One Shot for Ky

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Sorry I haven't written in a while but I've got new ideas! That's right folks, now that school is out and I'm not emotionally drained, the wheels in my head are turning. You can expect more updates for the summer!! Also, just because I have my own ideas doesn't mean I'm not taking requests! Those are open 24/7 baby!

You sit at the nearly empty bar sipping politely at your wine. A few guys have been eyeing you all evening but with your small and quiet yet sarcastic and sassy demeanor, they can't seem to find a decent pickup line that wouldn't be shoved right back in their face. Not to mention the aura of sophistication and wits surrounded you.

You drank undisturbed until a bow legged beauty plopped himself in the seat next to your own. His dirty blond hair was closer to a light brown and his bright green eyes, though shining with lust and mischief, looked dead.

"You gotta name sweetheart?" He licked his lips. You rolled your eyes, you'd dealt with one night stands like this. And truth be told, you hadn't gained a very good experience from one night stands. You could tell that's what this man wanted as his eyes grazed you up and down.

Horrific memories of your father flash through your mind. The police had taken him away, but they couldn't erase the memories or bring your mother back. You look at your drink and twirl the stem of the glass slowly in your fingers.

True, you were repelled at the idea of having a one night stand even if it was over ten years ago when that monster had been taken away and locked up for good. But there was the aura of protective sweetness coming from this man. The kind you'd been craving for so long. What could it hurt?

"My friends call me Ky." you said.

"I'm Dean." he said with a wink. "So what's a pretty young thing like you doing in a bar like this?" He motioned around him.

Playing along, you rolled your eyes and said, "Fella did me wrong." you gave him a look of mock sorrow.

"Drinking away the pain?" He laughed.

"More like, waiting for a poor sap like you to buy me a drink." You said playfully.

"Well I have a few drinks at my place, some candles, a bed, the important stuff." he leaned in and said quietly.

You straighten up, straight to the point huh? "Thanks, but I'm not like that." you said.

"Oh," he said surprised, "fella really did you wrong?" He asked with a look of sympathy.

"His loss." you said in fake confidence.

"I'll bet, what's the poor bastard's name? I'll take care of it." he said sizing up.

"He's behind bars, don't worry about it." you said absentmindedly.

"Oh," he said catching on, "I- I'm really sorry to hear that." he said. He looked like he meant it.

"Don't worry about it," you sighed loudly and gulped the rest of your wine.

"How about I make a good impression. No sex. Just burgers. I know a great place down town."

"Johnny's?" You asked, it was the only decent burger joint within miles.

"You ever been?" He asked with an easy smile instead of a lust filled one.

"Hell yeah, you ever had the pie there?" You asked.

"They have pie?" He asked, his eyes growing wide.

"Best I've ever had." you nodded.

"Well, would you do me the honor of allowing me to buy you some?" He said standing up and holding out his arm.

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