Chapter 4: Friendship

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Fatima calls Andi and Lori.

"So, when were you going to tell us you got engaged?" Asked Andi.

"Well, hey to you too," said Fatima annoyed.

"Hey Chika, now answer the question.

"Because it just happened last night," said Fatima. "Where you at Andi?"

"At home."

"Well, I'm coming over."

"Come pick me up T.," said Lori.

"Alright give me 15-20 minutes.

Fatima, Andi, Lori, and Summer were friends since middle school. Fatima of course is smart, confident, loyal, and always talks them out of doing something crazy. They also call her Ms. Good Girl because she is always trying to do what's right and live up to her parent's expectations. Andi is independent, ambitious, and driven, and also a reliable friend. She is known to be naive when it comes to the men she dates. She is a lawyer and is trying to make a partner at her firm. She also wants Fatima to finish law school so they can open a firm together. Lori is creative, comical, a little street-smart, and marches to the beat of her drum. She owns a hair and nail salon. Then there is Summer. Summer is also smart and determined one. The other girls don't like to hang with Summer as much because she is way too bougie and stuck up.

Fatima drives to Lori's house to pick her up and then to Andi's. Andi lives in a nice condo. She has begged Fatima to come to move in with her, but she doesn't want to be in the way. While Lori lives with her mom to help her out financially.

Andi opens the door.

"It smells good in here Andi. What are you cooking?" Asked Lori.

"It's, bbq ribs, asparagus, and mashed potatoes." Said, Andi. I told ya'll I was learning how to cook for my future husband."

"Aww looks at you girl," said Fatima.

"Here let's go sit at the island, so we can eat," demanded Andi. "Y'all can be my Ginny pig."

They go sit at the kitchen island while Andi makes their plates.

"So spill it T. How did he propose to you?" Asked Andi.

"Well, we went to Marcel's."

"That steakhouse in midtown? That place is expensive. Was it nice?"

"Yes, it was nice. Well anyway, he had it all planned out."

"Aww! Now you and Summer will be sisters-in-law." Said, Lori.

"Stop it, Lo," Fatima said giving her a stern look. Lori and Summer have been at odds a few years ago when Summer called her a gutter wench. They got into a huge fight. She apologized, but they haven't been close since.

"Well, you know how she is, all high and mighty."

"A, this food is good." Said, Fatima.

"Thank you," Andi smiles. "I did that."

"So, what's been going on with you two?" Fatima goes to get another plate of food.

"Gary has been calling me, asking if he can see me." Andi interrupted.

"Oh gosh, what did you say to him?" Asked Fatima.

"Nothing, I haven't responded."

"And you better not fall for his crap either," said Lori.

No, I'm not. I'm completely done with him."

"Ok, if you say so," Fatima looks at her watch. "Let me go. I have an early class tomorrow. I will talk to y'all later. Am I taking you home Lor?"

"Yes, please."

Fatima drops Lori off and heads home when she realizes she has a flat tire. First, she calls Paris and then her dad.

"No, Dad Paris is on his way. I'll text you once he gets here."

15 minutes later Paris shows up.

"You ok babe? Let me take a look at it." Paris does not know what he is doing.

Fatima laughs, "I should have told Daddy to come instead."

"What are you talking about T? I got this."

Paris is good at computers and everything else, but getting his hands dirty. More like a pretty boy if you ask me.

He calls triple-A to come out. They tow the car to a nearby shop.

"Fatima, how about you stay the night with me so I can drop you off at school and then I check on your car?"

"But I don't have any of my clothes or school stuff."

"Ok, then I will take you by the house real quick so you can get it."

"Fine," Paris swings by her parents to pack, and then they go back to his parent's house. Paris stays in the basement, so he has his own entrance. He also has a full bathroom and a kitchenette. They turned it into a little apartment.

Fatima showers and then lay in bed next to Paris. He lays a pillow in between them so she won't be able to feel his erect penis.

"Good night baby."

"Good night."

The next morning Fatima gets up, gets ready, and then wakes up Paris. He drops her off at school.

After he gets her car fixed. He drops it off at her school and leaves a note and some flowers.

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