Chapter 50: The Journey

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***My apologies to anyone that read "The Journey" already. The chapter "Love and War" and "The Journey" was posted in the wrong order.

Fatima's POV

Fatima is now eight months pregnant. She has officially gone on maternity leave. Her boss is big on woman's rights. At her law firm, her boss allowed maternity leave to start at 8 months of pregnancy to 6 months after the baby is born. She also made a nursery/daycare center on the left wing of the building for her staff. Fatima loved her boss for that and made a mental note that whenever she gets her firm, she would do the same.

Andi, the Godmother of Baby Taylor, had planned a baby shower for Fatima this Saturday. She knew the sex of the baby and told only a select few so they could buy some girl gifts instead of all unisex ones. Fatima wanted to wait until the baby shower to find out what she was having.

On the day of the baby shower, all of Fatima's friends, coworkers, and family attended. All except of course her parents and Summer. Even Zac's mom and cousin, Teeka had come into town.

Since Andi was busy attending to the last few details of the shower, she asked Ms. Tamela to drive Fatima to the location and blindfold her. She tried to guess the gender when she saw her mother in love with a turquoise dress on, but that didn't work.

The theme for the baby shower is "The Little Mermaid" because they are having a girl. So, the dress code was turquoise and lavender, and Fatima was to wear all white.

When she arrived at the event

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When she arrived at the event. Ms. Tam removed the blindfold, and everyone yelled in surprise. Fatima was so excited that she was having a daughter and she couldn't wait to tell Zac. After she greeted everyone, Andi gave her some lavender and turquoise beads to wear around her neck as the color theme.

"Give me a few minutes, I want to call Zac," Fatima said stepping outside.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Zac answered.

"Are you having fun?" Fatima asked.

"Yes, I guess."

"Well, I don't want to hold you up, besides I'm at the shower. I'm sending you a picture of the baby of the theme; Andi did a great job."

He received the pic. "Oh, yeah. It looks nice," Zac looked at the picture again. "Babe, are we having a girl?"

"Yes," Fatima said grinning from ear to ear.

Zac yelled throughout the cabin. "We're having a girl! I'm going to be a girl Dad!"

The fellows heard him and ran over to congratulate him.

After a few moments of sharing excitement, they got off the phone and went back to their separate events.

Back at the baby shower, Fatima received so much love and gifts. They played games, ate, and then Fatima asked for baby name suggestions.

Zac's mom, Ms. Tamela suggested Tamera, after her.

"Well since I'm the Godmother how about Andria? You know like Andrea."

Everyone laughed. "No Andrea, ain't nobody using that name," said Lori.

Andi asked, "What's wrong with it?"

"Andi just put it in the name box." Said Fatima.

After everyone put in their name ideas, they decided to eat dessert and just chill until Fatima was worn out.

"Alright, the mommy-to-be is tired. Time to take her home" announced Ms. Tam.

They cleaned up and left the event.

Zac's POV

While the girls were enjoying the baby shower. The guys planned Zac a guy's weekend getaway. They know that once the baby arrives it will probably be a while before he can have some guy time.

Preston's uncle has a vacation house in Tennessee about an hour away. They wanted to go to Vegas, but Zac told them he wanted to stay close by just in case anything happened with Fatima or the baby. They would go bar hopping, watch the game, and other guy things."

They left the Friday, the day before the baby shower, and would return Sunday evening. 

"Man, you ready to get away from the women for a minute?" asked Jake.

"What you talking about? I like being around my woman," said Zac.

"Jake, we have to find you a lady. What about Lori?" Asked Preston.

"Ooh, I don't know if he can handle Lori," said Zac.

"How do you know what I can handle? Jake is awake," he said.

The guys burst out laughing. 

Zac said, "I'm not talking about in the bedroom. I'm saying she has a big personality. Jake, you're a little more laid back and an introvert."

"Well, they say opposites attract." Said Preston. "Look at you and Church Girl. I never would have put you with someone like Fatima. Now ya'll are a perfect match."

Zac daps Preston. "You're right."

Jake, Preston, Zac, and El Feugo all get ready to drive up to Tennessee for the weekend. 

When they arrive, they each got to choose their room. The cabin had five bedrooms. Preston's twin brother Trinity was already there. He arrived from Alabama earlier.

The cabin also had a game room with games such as a pool table, foosball, poker, shuffleboard, and a bowling rink.

"Wow, this is nice, "said Zac. "I've never seen a cabin hooked up this nice."

"Yep, it's my uncle's pride and joy. His mancave."

"Is that all he does here, or does he bring a few women up? " Asked Zac. "I mean who has a mancave miles away from home?"

"Hey, I don't know about all that, and it ain't none of my business," said Preston.

The guys had a blast, being guys. No ladies around. They got drunk a couple of times, talked about sports, and hung out. Then before they knew it the trip had ended.

"Man, we are going to have to do this again," said Zac. "Maybe after the baby and Fatima get settled. 

"That's a deal," they all said in unison, and they take the drive back to Atlanta.

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