Chapter 47: Are Things too Good to Be True?

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Ms. Tam left Atlanta two days ago. They had already made plans to work on the details to get her moving before the baby was born.

"You sure you don't want me to go with you?" Asked Zac.

"No, I'm fine."

She headed to her parent's house.

What she didn't know was that a few days ago, one of the church members saw Fatima at the grocery store. She noticed her pregnant belly and started spreading rumors at the church that she had gotten knocked up by Paris. Lady Pat had gotten word of it and wanted to see for herself.

"Hey Dad, hey Mom," she said as she entered their home. She knocked first, but then used her key to let herself in.

They both went to greet her, but they were shocked when they saw the pregnant belly.

"TIMA!" Her mother said as she hit the floor hard.

Her dad ran to her mother's aide. "Fatima, can you help me?" he asked her.

Fatima seemed unfazed. "She might need to get that checked out.

"That's not funny. Can you grab some ice and some water?"

She did as she was told, but when she returned, she threw the water at her mom. Lady Pat wakes but is hyperventilating.

"Hand me a brown paper bag in the kitchen," her father demanded. "Hurry up."

She had hit her head when she fainted, so he placed the ice there.

As soon as she comes too, Pastor Fred helps her to the living room where Fatima is sitting. They all have a seat.

"Fatima, are you pregnant?" Asked her dad. "How far along are you?

He was a little upset that she never told him.

She answered, "6 1/2 months."

Lady Pat is stunned, "You're having a child out of wedlock? Do you know what this will do to your father's image?"

Fatima just sits there listening to the crazy stuff coming out of her mother's mouth.

"Who is the father? Is it that bastard, Zac's? Are you going to ruin your life like this Fatima?" Her mother rambled on.

"It's Zac's, and you don't have to worry about him being a bastard child, because we are married," Fatima holds up her ring finger.

Pat starts hyperventilating again. "Breath Patricia," Fred hands her the paper bag as she gets her breathing under control. "Married? Sweetheart, when did all this happen? We talked every week."

"You remember when I said I had to go out of town for work? I lied. We went to elope."

"So, now he has you out here lying, having secret weddings, and getting pregnant."

"Look I didn't come here for all this judgment. I came to break the news before anyone else did and now I'm leaving."

"Yeah, run like you always do," Lady Pat said.

"I'm not running. I'm chasing my peace," said Fatima. "You do realize you can't change anything. No matter how upset, crazy, or hypocritical you get, I'm still going to be married to Zac and we're still having this baby. It's your choice if you want to be a part of it or not. It's funny, that not once have you asked me how was I doing, how is the baby, or do I need anything? That's okay because this baby will have a grandma, the question is, will you be one of them?"

Fatima gets up to leave.

"Fatima, wait!" Her father yelled.

"I will call you next week, love you," Fatima heads out the door, gets in the car, and calls Zac.

"How did it go babe?" asked Zac.

"As expected," said Fatima.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. My mom will never change, and I've come to terms with that."

"You know it shouldn't be like that right T?"

"Yeah, I know, but it is what it is."

"Well come home babe and let me pamper you."

As soon as Fatima arrived home, Zac had a nice bubble bath waiting for her. He had the massage table up so that once she gets out of the tub, he would give her a full body massage. Throughout the entire pregnancy, Zac has catered to her, pampered her, and made her feel loved. The absence that she felt from her mother was replaced with Zac's extra love and she enjoyed it. Of course, she would love to have the bond back with her mom, but she wouldn't change what she has with Zac for anyone.


Pastor Fred is disgusted by the way his wife had been acting. He went to his study to think and to pray. He misses his daughter. Even though they had still been keeping in touch, it was not the same.

He heard a knock on the office door. "Come in." It was Pat.

"Hey Pat, what do you want?" He asked.

"I made dinner, your favorite," Whenever First Lady knows she has done something to make Fred upset, she cooks for him. She knows her husband loves food, especially her food.

"Ok, I'll be down soon."

He comes to eat dinner. The room is quiet. After dinner, Fred offers to pick up their son, Patrick.

Back at the Taylor home

After the pampering, Fatima went to sleep. Zac cuddled next to her and fell asleep until his phone rang.

It was one of his clients. Way back before he met Fatima, he fixed this lady's flat tire. In return, he told her if she was ever looking to buy a home give him a call, so he handed her his card. A few weeks later, she called him, went out one day, and messed around. It never went anywhere because he finds out she was in a relationship. Now it's over a year and a half later and here she is calling her again.

Zac gets up to answer his phone. "Is this Zachary Taylor with Taylor Your Homes, LLC?" The lady asked.

"Um, yes," he answered, but was wondering why someone would call him so late, and on a Saturday. "I'm sorry ma'am can you call back on Monday?"

"Oh, so you don't want my business? Zac this is Sonique. Sorry to call you so late, but I'm looking for a house and I thought about you. Me and my boyfriend finally called it quits."

"Hey, um Sonique. Good to hear from you. I'm busy right now, but how about we meet up at 10:00 on Monday? The address to my office is on the card."

"Alright, I will see you then," she said smiling.

"See you then," Zac said and hung up.

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