Chapter 43: Eloping

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The two decided on eloping but were struggling between Vegas and Florida.

"It's your call, babe. I know your dream wedding consists of both our family and friends with your dad walking you down the aisle. Since I can't give you that, I want you to have the next best thing," Zac said as he wraps his arms around her.

"Then Panama City Beach, Florida it is," she said excitedly.

"Did you cancel everything from the last wedding?" Zac asked.

"Wow, can you believe I canceled two weddings? They say the third time is the charm."

"You think that's funny? Well, this time we better make it down the aisle because if you cancel on me again..."

"What? If I cancel on you again, what will happen?" Fatima asked him curiously.

"I'm gone. I will head on the first flight to Italy and marry me an Italian girl," Zac laughed.


For Fatima's wedding to Paris and the first one to Zac, her parents were paying for the wedding because it was their tradition. Well, that changed now that they decided to elope, and the parents aren't invited to the wedding.

Fatima searches for wedding packages and ideas. They wanted to elope as soon as possible. It is now February, so it may be impossible considering most weddings have already been booked. She starts calling around to see if she can get something scheduled, but the earliest they had available was in May. So, she went on to book it. That would give her a couple of months to get everything done.

The following week Zac invited all their closest friends over which included, Andi, Lori, Jake, Preston, and Madam to his house.

"Hey, I invited all of you guys over because out of the five of you, ya'll have been the closest few that have supported us. With that being said, I would like every one of you to join us in Florida for our wedding."

"Aww we get to go to a wedding," shouted Andi.

"I'm just excited we get a free trip to Florida," said Lori.

Andi elbows her.

Zac announced. "Hold on I didn't say it was free now."

"She is just joking, Zac," Andi said pinching Lori.

"Fatima doesn't know yet that I am inviting you guys, but once she and I get more details we will fill you in. Oh, and whatever you do please do not tell anyone outside of this circle," requested Zac.

A few days later Fatima and Zac are hanging out at the mall and getting a bite to eat. They discuss the wedding and the pregnancy. Zac finally tells her that he invited their friends to the wedding.

"Zac, I thought it was going to be the two of us?" Fatima asked confused.

"Babe, I told you I wanted you to have the next best thing. No, it's not going to be a big extravagant wedding, but we'll be in Florida, at the beach, with our friends. It will still be just as nice."

"Thank you, babe. I'm glad you invited them."

"So now you can plan with your girls and me and the guys will just show up."


During the weeks leading up to the wedding, the girls help Fatima find a wedding dress as well as their dresses. They finalize all wedding and vacation details. She also went to all her doctor's appointments leading up to the wedding. Now at 14 weeks pregnant, everything is fine. She will have one more appointment before the trip. The wedding is two weeks away and everything is going as planned.

Fatima has not talked to her parents since the incident at the dinner. She and her brother keep in contact, though. She also hasn't heard from Summer which she is ok with. Her dad had called her last week, but she missed the call. Before all of the drama transpired within the last year and a half, Fatima was a daddy's girl. They haven't been as close lately and she misses her dad, so she finally decides to call him.

"Hey, Daddy."

"Hey, Tima Bear! It's good to hear from you," said Pastor Fred.

As much as she wanted to tell her dad about the elopement and the pregnancy, she couldn't because he would tell her mom. Right now, she wasn't ready for them to know.

"What have you been up to baby girl?"

"Just working at the firm. Trying to get adjusted," she responded.

"I got some of the money back from the wedding cancelation. I want you to have it."

"Are you sure Daddy?"

"Yes, your mom and I were supposed to pay for your wedding. Since you didn't get married, I believe you should still have the money. I would like for you to put it in savings until you are ready to buy a house."

"Thanks. I will give you the info to transfer it to my account," said Fatima.

"How about you come by the house to get it this week."

"I don't know about that dad. I don't want to run into Mom, yet."

"Life is too short. You and your mom need to make amends."

"I know, but not this week. When is her book club? I'll come by then."


We are finally at the week of the wedding. Fatima went to pick up the money while her mom was at the book club, so she only saw her dad. He hugged her and told her he loved her. She didn't stay long, but he ended up giving her the $5000 from the wedding. Because she was going to get married at her father's church, the wedding wasn't as expensive.

"Thank you again. I love you," Fatima said rushing out the door because she didn't want him to notice her belly.

Even though she had paid for most of the wedding on her credit card, she was going to use the money to pay off the card and then pay cash for the rest of the wedding expenses. She begged Zac to let her pay for the wedding since he will be buying their future home. For the trip, they decided to rent two SUVs. Madam drove one SUV with the girls, Fatima, Andi, Lori, and Cameron (Preston's wife). Jake drove the other vehicle with the guys, Zac, and Preston and they let El Feugo come.

Seven hours later they arrive at their destination.

Fatima yelled, "I'M GETTING MARRIED YA'LL!"

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