Chapter 35: Meet the Family

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Zac and Fatima have now been together for three months. Their relationship is going well. They both decided it was time to meet the family. Zac will meet Fatima's family this Sunday after church and Fatima will meet Zac's Family the following weekend. He has a family reunion in New York and asked Fatima to go with him.

Meet the Wilsons

It is family and friend's day at church and Fatima invites Zac. What a way to gain bonus points from her parents. He bought a nice navy-blue suit to wear. He picks Fatima up and they head to the church.

"Babe, you look nice. Are you nervous?" Fatima said eyeing him up and down.

"Thank you, and yes I am a little nervous," Zac said.

"If they get crazy or you are uncomfortable at any time, we can leave," Fatima let him know.

They arrive at church and decided to sit in the back, not wanting to draw too much attention. They didn't want the nosy church ladies to try to ask questions and be in their business. They just wanted to enjoy the service and then get through dinner.

After service, Fatima and Zac were able to dip out of the church with only one person catching them and asking nosy questions.

Nosy church lady, "Hey Ms. Fatima. Who is this young man?"

"His name is Zac. I'm sorry Ms. Beth, but we have somewhere to be."

Once they get in the car, they started laughing. "Wow she is nosy," said Zac.

They stall for a few minutes waiting for her parents to get home. While driving around Zac asks her a few questions to prepare him for the meet and greet.

Thirty minutes later they arrive at the house and the parents are already there.

"Breath, Babe. It will be okay," Fatima says trying to convince herself. She wasn't worried about her dad; it was her mom that had no filter.

As they walk in the house the smell of cabbage, pot roast, BBQ chicken, and more fills the room. The couple walks into the kitchen to introduce her mom.

"Mom, this is my man, Zachary Taylor. Zac, this is my mom, Patricia."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Wilson."

"Oh, just call me Pat. Nice to meet you as well," she gives him a hug.

"Can I call you Mrs. Pat? I really want to be respectful," asked Zac.


"Mom, where is Dad?"

"He should be down shortly. He went to go change."

"Mrs. Pat, the food smells good," Zac said.

"Thank you, come on in the dining room and have a seat. Dinner is almost ready," said Lady Pat.

As they enter the dining room, Fatima's dad shows up. "Hey Dad, this is Zachary Taylor."

"Are you the boyfriend?" he asked shaking Zac's hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Fred or you can call me Pastor Fred."

"Nice to meet you, Pastor Fred."

They all sit at the table.

"Where is Patrick?" asked Fatima.

"He is over at his friend's house playing basketball," said Lady Pat. "Fred, can you say grace?"

After saying grace, Paster Fred speaks to Zac. "Thank you for attending church today."

"No problem. Did Fatima tell you I surprised her 2 months ago? I visited your church. I don't know if you remember, but I stood up when they mentioned the visitors."

"Oh ok," said Pastor.

Zac is nervous. "The food is good, Mrs. Pat. You did your thing."

"Thank you," said Lady Pat. So how did you and my daughter meet?"

Fatima already prepped Zac on what to say because she knows her mom doesn't care for Madam.

"Fatima was out and about and I couldn't help but notice her beauty."

"So, you're in real estate?" asked Pastor.

"Yes, sir. I'm a big-time Realtor in Atlanta. I have my own company called Taylor Your Home, LLC. I've been in the business for about 8 years."

"Okay, that sounds like you're doing pretty good. So, you will be able to take care of my daughter if that time comes?" asked Pastor.

"Oh, most definitely. When we get married, she will not have to work if she doesn't want to. I know her dream is to become a lawyer, so if she wants to do that then I would support her. The choice is hers and I would try to allow her to do what makes her happy."

Boom, he did that. Fatima thought. He answered that question perfectly.

Mama Pat was speechless.

"So, Zac where are you from? Where is your family at and did you grow up with both parents?"

"I'm from New York. Most of my family is still there. Umm, I was raised by a single mom."

"Where is your dad?"

"No offense, but if you find him let me know."

"Any more questions?" Fatima asked. "It's like 21 questions in here."

"Yep, I have more," said her mother. "Have you ever been to jail?"

The question that Zac was worried to answer. He's not ashamed of his past because he came a long way from it, but these uppity church folks won't understand. He explains his past with them trying not to go into too many details, but enough for them to see he's a changed man.

When Fatima looked at her mother, she saw her nose was turned up and she was probably thinking the worst.

Her dad said, "Well, it looks like you turned your life around, son."

"Yes, Dad. I'm so proud of him. He makes me happy, he's good to me, and I love him."

Zac is surprised to hear Fatima say that.

Mama Pat on the other hand gets up from the table and storms off.

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