Chapter 5: Club Eden

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"Hey T, what you got going on? How's wedding planning going?" Asked Madam.

"It's going good. I mean the wedding is two years away, so I have plenty of time to plan," Fatima said as she goes to sit on the couch.

"What, two years?

"I want to finish law school first."

"Ok. I'm so glad you going to be a lawyer, so you can help my ass."

"Marilynn. What do you need a lawyer for?"

Madam looked at her, "T you think all this sh-stuff I do is legal?" She corrects herself.

Madam and Fatima are first cousins. Her mother and Madam's mother, Madea are sisters. Once Lady Pat married Pastor, she left her old life behind including her friends and family to play the holier than thou First Lady. She and Madea hadn't talked in years, and it ended in a huge fight. When she found out Madea shot her baby daddy (Madam's dad) after she found out he tried to molest Madam when she was younger. Madea went to jail and called Pat to help her get out. She bailed her out but has never let her forget it. Since then, their sistership has not been the same. And as Madam's father goes, he is still locked up for that and several other crimes.

Marilynn aka Madam and Fatima are sort of close, even though their parents aren't. Fatima is a church girl, and Madam ain't with all that, but Fatima gives her a little normalcy from her crazy, hectic life.

"On our way out, I need to stop by the club," said Madea. They were going to lunch and the spa.

"Yeah, I finally get to see your club," Fatima was giddy.

"Don't get all happy, it's still early so nothing will be going on. We don't open until later. I just have to pick up something," They stop by the club. Madam gives Fatima a quick tour.

"Wow! This is nice cuz."

"Thanks," They go to Madam's office. "Have a seat."

Fatima sits down and looks around admiring the office. She did not know her cousin was doing so well.

Blue enters the office. "Hey Madam, hey Fatima. You have a visitor."

"Bring him in please," Madam instructed Blue.

Enters a handsome 5'10" male. He is about 30 years old, brown skin complexion. Looks like he is around 155-165 lbs. of all muscle.

Madam greets him. "Hello, Zac how are you?"

"I'm good Madam and you?" Zac asked.

"Good, good, good. This is my cousin, Fatima. Please have a seat."

Fatima and Zac stare at each other for a moment.

"Umm, I can't, I have to make a run," said Zac. "I have the stuff in my truck."

"Ok. I will walk out with you. Where did you park?" Madam asked. "Fatima, I will be right back."

"I parked in the back." He walks to the door and then turns around. "Nice meeting you Fatima."

Madam and Zac walk to the back where his truck is parked. "

"Your cousin is gorgeous," Zac said to Madam.

"Yeah, she gets it from me," Madam teases.

"Those are some good genes." He laughs.

She retrieves the items, thanks Zac, and then returns to her office.

"I saw the way you were looking at him," Madam said to Fatima.

"Whatever. What ya'll got going on? A drug deal?" asked Fatima.

"Oh, hell naw. He said he ain't about that life anymore. But he did ask about you."

Fatima blushes.

"I told him you were with preacher boy though,"


"Just kidding but look at you. All hot and bothered, you even called me Madam. They both laughed and left to go to the car.

After that, they headed to get a bite to eat and get pampered.

The next day, Fatima was thinking about Zac. How handsome and manly he looked. Like a manly man. What are you doing Fatima, you are engaged?

She goes downstairs for breakfast.

Zac's POV

Zac is in his office when Jake knocks on the door, startling him.

"You ok man? You seemed like you were deep in thought."

"Yeah, I'm good." Said, Zac. You know I met this girl yesterday. Boy was she fine."

"You ask her out?"

"Of course not, that was Madam's cousin."

"Oh, that lady is not gone let you mess with her cousin."

"Anyway, what do you need?" Asked Zac.

"I just wanted to know how it was going with that couple, the two doctors."

"Oh, I have to meet with them today. I found two more properties I want them to see. One I know the wife would love."

"Alright, then let me get out your way," they dap up and Jake leaves.

Two hours later Zac meets with the Johnsons. "Hey Dr. & Dr. Johnson," Zac greets them. "Before we look at the houses, I wanted to talk with you. The price did go up just a little, but I know the wifey would love it. Besides I believe you would too Dr. Stephen."

"Well, I'm ready to see it," Summer said.

They get in the car and drive to the location. Both homes are in the same subdivision.

"Wow! The outside is beautiful, I can't wait to see the inside," Dr. Summer said excitedly.

They look inside the first home. They loved it so much and it had something for both of them. They didn't even want to look at another house.

The Hudsons walk away to have a private conversation. "Babe, what do you think? If you like it, I love it."

"Can we get it?" She asked.

They walk back to talk to Zac.

"We'll take it."

The guys dap up and then he hugs Summer. "Congrats! Do you all have time to review some paperwork at my office?"

"Yes. Zac, do you give out referrals? My best friend and twin brother are getting married. They will be looking for a house soon." Asked Summer.

Zac hands her his card, "Here give him my card."

They head back to his office.

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