Chapter 30: The Blues

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Today is Summer and Paris' 30th birthday. She and Fatima hadn't talked much in the last 6 months or so. She sent her an invitation to their birthday party, but Fatima declined. She wasn't feeling too well and wasn't up to partying. It had nothing to do with Paris because they had made amends.

"Ever since you and Fatima broke up me and her haven't been in a good place," Summer tells Paris. "I miss my friend."

Paris hugs Summer. "That's okay, Spring (His nickname for Summer). We gone have fun anyway. Are Andi and Lori coming?"

"Yeah, they will be here. Hopefully, Lori will act right."

"Oh, she will. Ain't nobody got time for her acting like a hood rat."

"Paris (she said in French), That's not nice."

"My bad. Do you want me to talk to Fatima?" Paris asked.

"No. I will talk to her," she said.

Fatima's POV

Fatima had been lying in bed all day not feeling well. She was supposed to pick Zac up from the airport.

"Hey T. What are you doing?" Zac asked her on Facetime.

"Just laying here," she shows him the bed.

"It's 1:00 pm and you're still in bed?"

"I'm not feeling too well."

"Aww, babe. Can I at least see your face?"

"No. I look horrible."

"Please. You're always beautiful."

"Whatever, what time is your flight?"

"In about 30 minutes. I should land about 3:45," Zac said. "I'll call Jake or Preston to see if one of them will pick me up since my baby is sick."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"That's okay. Get some rest. I'll see you soon."

They get ready to hang up, but Zac had one more question to ask. "T, have you taken any medicine?"

"Not yet. I'll get some. Right now, I'm just going to take a nap."


Fatima had been sleeping for about three hours when she hears a knock on the door. Then her phone rings.

"Hello," a groggy Fatima answers.

"Hey babe, can you come open the door?" Zac asked.

"You're here?"

"Yes, I brought you some medicine."

"Ok. Give me a minute I'm coming?"

Andi arrived at the house.

"Hey, Zac. You need to get in?"

"Please, Andi. Thank you," Zac responded. "Fatima that's ok, Andi is here."

Fatima said OK. She didn't have much energy to get out of bed anyway.

He went to Fatima's room, knocked, and then went in.

"Aww, look at you. You don't look like you feel too good."

"You come to take care of me?"

"Yes of course. I brought you some medicine, crackers, soup, and ginger ale."

He gave her some of the medicine.

"Thank you," Fatima said.

"Have you eaten yet?"

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