Chapter 36: Meet the Family Continued

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Everyone watches Lady Pat as she storms off.

"Please excuse me," Pastor Fred leaves to go talk to his wife.

He sees her in the kitchen. "What is your problem, Pat?"

"Nothing Fredrik, I came to get some more BBQ chicken to put in the table." She lied.

"No, something is bothering you. We have company and you are acting like someone took your best friend."

Pat raised her voice, "Fred don't stand here and tell me you think this guy is good enough for our daughter?"

"Honestly Pat, he seems like a nice guy. He had a past; we all do. Let our baby be happy. Can we go back to the dining room?"

Before they go back, Fatima comes in.

"Mom, why? Why do you always have to cause a scene?"

"Do not disrespect me, little girl," Lady Pat demanded.

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!!" Yelled Pastor Fred. "STOP IT, you two. We have guests right now. We are going to go back into that dining room and act like civilized people. Do you understand me?"

He looks at both of them waiting for a response.

"Yes sir," said Fatima.

"Hmm huh." Said Lady P.

"Ok, now we will discuss this later," He grabs Pat's arm. "You need to go in there and apologize."

They all go back to the dining room where Zac is. Zac was sitting at the table eating and enjoying himself. He thought Mrs. Pat may have her ways, but one thing was for sure, she can cook her ass off.

"Sorry about that," said Lady Pat.

"Yes, my apology Zac." Said, Pastor Fred.

"No problem," Zac was finishing the rest of his food.

"So how did enjoy the food?" Lady Pat asked trying to put on her fake First Lady act.

"Mrs. Wilson, I mean Mrs. Pat, you are a good cook. I enjoyed it."

Fred grabs His wife's hand. "Yes, my wife is the best cook I know."

Pat finally puts a smile on her face.

"T, can you cook like this?" Zac asked.

"A little," she laughed.

"Well, ya boy likes to eat. Maybe you can get some lessons from your mom."

At this point, Fatima pretends to stab him with a fork. Zac and Fatima are now in their zone, laughing and flirting.

Lady Pat clears her throat to get their attention.

"Oh, our bad." Said Zac.

"Zachary, do you have any children?" Asked Lady Pat.

"Oh, Fatima didn't tell you?" Zac rubbed Fatima's stomach.

"Tell us what?" Her mother asked starting to get pissed.

"That she was having my baby," Zac joked.

Fatima was shocked that he said that. At this point, Zac is doing anything to get under Lady P's skin, because no matter how she feels he and Fatima are going to be together. Her approval is no longer needed.

"Are you two having sex before marriage?" She asked.

"Um, babe that is none of your business," said Pastor. "But is this true? Fatima, are you pregnant?"

Fatima doesn't respond.

"BOTH OF YOU, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! I'm disgusted with you Fatima. You're a disgrace to this family." Yelled Lady P.

"I think this is our cue to go. Zac, are you ready? Mom, Dad, I will talk to you later."

Zac and Fatima get up and leave.

Once they get in the car Fatima is in tears.

"Come here babe, you ok?" Asked Zac as he holds her.

"Yes, I'm ok. It was just so embarrassing. My mom (she shakes her head) is a piece of work. I'm sorry Zac."

"Don't apologize she's a grown-ass woman."

Fatima looks at him not believing what just came out of his mouth.

"I mean she will have to come around if she doesn't want to lose her only daughter, or not be able to see her future grandkids," explained Zac.

"You are so sure of yourself. Already talking like we are married and have a baby on the way."

"Because T, I know what I want."

He takes her back home and hangs out for a minute. They tell Andi everything that went down.

The next weekend they were headed to New York.


Zac and Fatima are headed to New York now to the Taylor-Brooks family reunion. The plane lands and they grab their luggage and wait for Zac's cousin, Teeka to pick them up and take them to where they will be staying.

"So, we will be staying at my grandma's house," Zac said as they pull into the driveway.

They get out of the car and meet his aunts and uncles. Then his grandma.

After a little small talk, Zac shows her where they will be staying.

"Are we sleeping in the same room?" Asked Fatima.

"Yes. No one here cares," said Zac. "My mom should be here any minute and I will introduce you two."

"Ok. I will go freshen up and then I will be out shortly."

A few moments later Zac's mom shows up.

"Hey baby, so where is this young lady that I've been hearing so much about?" Asked Ms. Taylor.

"She will be out in a few."

Zac's mom is very pretty. She resembles Nia Long. Everyone always mistakes her for Zac's older sister. One thing is for sure she doesn't play about her Zachary.

Fatima finally shows up.

"There she goes." Zac gets up to introduce them. "Mom this is my lady, Fatima Wilson. Fatima this is my lovely mother, Tamela.

"Hi, Ms. Tamela. Nice to meet you."

"I'm a hugger," Ms. Tamela, goes in to hug Fatima. "Zac had told me so much about you."

They all go sit in the living room. Waiting for the rest of the family members to come by. The reunion starts at 3:00, so they had another hour. Zac's uncle was outside cooking on the grill so Zac went to catch up with him.

Fatima left and went to the bedroom to take a phone call, it was Andi. She told her they made it safely and then went back to the living room with the ladies.

She overheard them talking about her, so she stood by the corner listening in.

One of Zac's aunts asked his mom what she thinks about Fatima.

Ms. Taylor answered.  "Well, my son does have good taste. She seems very nice."

"I just hope she is better than that last girl he brought around," said the aunt.

"Who Karen? I could already tell she is better. I just want my baby to be happy."

Fatima felt like she heard enough so she went back to join the ladies. They asked her a few questions about herself and got along very well. Fatima wished it went that well with her family.

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