Chapter 48: Trouble

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It is Monday morning, Zac and Fatima wakes up to do their morning routine together.

"Are you tired of me yet?" Fatima asked.

"Of course not, I don't think I could get tired of you," Zac responded.

The newlyweds have been married for 2 months. Their newlywed bliss is a bit different because of the pregnancy. They love being around each other, being romantic, and are happily married and in love.  The thing is the bigger Fatima gets and the more pregnant she gets she is not wanting sex as much.

Zac tries to instill in her how beautiful she is.

He stands behind her and puts his arms around her admiring her growing belly. He notices she seemed a little frustrated, "Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm just tired of having to run to the restroom all the time," she moves from up under him to go to the restroom, and then she takes a shower. Zac jumps in with her helping her wash her back and any other hard-to-reach areas for a pregnant woman. Once they dry off, Fatima puts on her robe and starts lathering her legs with lotion.

"Let me get that for you Mrs. Taylor," Zac grabs the lotion bottle and finishes what she started.

"Lay on your back for me," he instructed.

She does as she's told.

Zac takes her body and pulls her close to the edge and places kisses down her thigh to her pussy making her moan. He goes to town making her arch her back as he licks and sucks on her clit. As soon as he thrust 2 fingers inside of her, she cums immediately.

"Damn baby that was quick," Zac jokingly said. "I knew you were horny that's why you were so frustrated."

"Yeah, whatever," she rolled her eyes.

"Well, that should hold you until we get home from work."

"Help me get up off this bed," Fatima requested.

They finish getting ready for work.

"You want me to drive you to work this morning?" Zac asked.

Fatima is putting her hair in a ponytail, "No. You know I don't like to feel stranded nowhere, but maybe we can meet for lunch."

"Ok. Cool," Zac said.


At work. Zac checks his schedule and answers a few emails. It's around 9:45 am, his assistant calls him.

"Zac, I have a Sonique Wilburn here. She said she's your 10:00, but I don't see her on your schedule."

Dang, Zac thought to himself. I forgot she was coming. "Send her up, Ashley."

A few minutes later Sonique arrived.

"Hey Sonique, how have you been?"

"I'm doing well. How are you? Long time no see," She stated.

"I've been ok. What can I help you with?" asked Zac.

She finally noticed the wedding band on his finger, but of course that didn't faze her. What's wrong with a little flirting and if he folds then he was never happy in the first place. She thought.

Sonique crossed her leg making sure some thigh meat shows from her mini dress.

"I'm looking for a 3–4 bedroom house around $500,000"-$700,000. Possibly in the Atlanta metro area."

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