Chapter 22: Zac Attach

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Zac's POV

Zac hasn't been doing much seen the last conversation he had with Fatima. He spends most of his time working and going to the gym. Jake and Preston have gotten him out of the house a few times, but you could tell he wasn't having fun. Whenever he makes his drops at Club Eden, he asks Madam if has she heard from her.

On Monday morning he had a client that wanted to see the Black and White House. The one he showed Fatima. He had been watching that house since he showed it to her. It had been on the market for 7 months.

He met the couple at the house and for the first time since being in real estate, he talked them out of buying the house.

Later that day around 7:00, Zac was still at work. Jake had stopped by to drop off some keys. "Man, what are you still doing here?" Jake asked.

"I just finished showing a property."

"Ok, but when have you been known to show anything this late on a Friday? 

"Let's go hit the club up tonight," Jake suggested.

"Naw, I'll pass. I'm going to go home and watch some movies." He heads home and receives a phone call from an unknown caller.

"I'm not answering this." He said out loud.

Five minutes later they called again. Zac hit the decline button, but after several attempts, he answered.

"Who keeps playing on my phone?" He asked the caller, but no one answered. So he turns his phone off.

He gets home, showers, pours a glass of Henny, and then watches Love and Basketball in bed.

After a while, he turns his phone back on and the unknown caller calls again.

"It is 9:00, who the fuck is this?"

"Zac, it's me, Karen."

Zac's mouth dropped. He hadn't heard from Karen since she kicked him out. What does she want now?

"Yeah, Karen. Why are you calling me?"

"I need a place to stay."

"What does that have to do with me?" He asked. "What about your parents or that little sister circle?"

She starts crying on the phone. "I'm in Atlanta and I don't have anywhere else to go."

Zac thought. I could be mean and say no, but how can I turn my back on someone I once cared for?

"Only for a few days," he told Karen.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Zac.

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm in a hotel, but I have to check out tomorrow."

"Do you have an actual number so I can text you the address?"

She gives him the number.

"You can come by tomorrow after you checkout."

They hang up and he calls Jake and Preston.

"Man, what made you do that?" Asked Preston.

"Right, you better put some money on her a rental for a few days and then have her pay the rest," Jake said. "She is crazy."


After Karen's call last night. He told his boys to swing by and pick him up. He was going out tonight to Club Blue. Club Blue has a more mellow atmosphere than Eden. They don't have exotic dancers or strippers. It's more of a lounge. It's a way for grown and sexy adults to meet. Tommy, Madam, and Blue take turns watching over it along with the other staff she hired. Since Club Eden makes her more money, she prefers to stay there most of the time.

They get to the club and immediately women come over trying to dance with Zac. He doesn't pay them any attention because someone else catches his eye.

A gorgeous woman with a butter pecan complexion. She reminds him of Fatima. He walks over to her.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked.

"Sure. I'm Kay and you are? Let me guess, Mr. Handsome?"

"Cute, but no the name's Zac."

"Zac. Are you in the industry?" Kay asked.

Zac looked confused, "What industry?"

"Singer, Actor."

"No ma'am."

The drinks come and Kay continues to try to figure him out.

"How about a football or basketball player?"

Again, Zac was like no.

She almost gave up, "that's right you're probably a reality star."

"I just work in real estate."

"Oh. A white-color man. You probably love your job, but I only date millionaires."

"That's your lost sweetheart." He pays for the drink and heads back over to Preston.

"Man, she was fine. Did you get her number?" Preston asked.

"Let's just say that was a sign that I don't need to be dating right now."

"What about Karen?"

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck," Zac put his face in his hand. He had forgotten all about her.

After a couple more hours at the club, the guys leave.

Zac takes a shower and goes to bed.

The next day he texts Karen to meet him at the office and gives her the address.

Around 11:00 am, they both arrive.

"This is a nice office, Zac. Looks like you're doing pretty good for yourself now."

"Thanks. Look we need to talk. Have a seat." They both sit down. 

"Karen, I'm sorry but you can't stay at my house," Zac said handing her an envelope.

"What is this?" She asked.

"It's $10,000. It should get you a few months' rent somewhere. I could even help you find a place, but you can't stay here.

"Dang Zac. I never treated you like that when you were staying with me."

"Right, you kicked me out when I was at my lowest at least I'm trying to help you."

"What is this over some girl or something?"

Zac doesn't answer.

Karen laughs. "My boy sprung."

"So do you need me to help you find a place?"

"Please Zachary, but where am I supposed to stay until then?"

"Go back to the hotel. Why are you in Atlanta anyway?"

"I'm moving down here to open up a hair shop."

"After I find you a place that's it. No more contacting me or anything. Got it?"

"Got it," Karen says with a smirk.

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