Chapter 10: Is She for Feal?

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Zac's POV

This girl is out of her damn mind. Does she know what she's saying? I'm not doing that. She will mess around and not get married. Maybe I need to talk to Jake or someone about this.

Zac sits down and finishes his food then close up for the day. He had planned on leaving early for the day anyway for his birthday, but now he can't even think straight.

He calls Jake. "Man, what's up?"

"Just finished with a client, what's up?"

"Man, I don't even know where to start. You know the baddie I was telling you about?"

"The one that's about to get married?" Jake asked.

"Yeah her. Well, you know we've been talking on the phone, but that's about it. Well, I want to take her on a vacation. Would I be wrong considering she's about to get married?" He wouldn't dare tell her it was all her idea.

"Yeah, man. You dead wrong?"

"I know, just a thought," he said.

"What are you doing for your birthday?"

"I don't know, maybe we'll do something this weekend. Right now, I have some errands to run. I'll hit you up later."

Fatima's POV

Maybe you should just sleep on it. If you still feel the same way in the morning, then go for it. Fatima played everything in her head over and over.

The next morning, she woke up, she went downstairs for breakfast. Her mom makes a big breakfast every Saturday.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning baby. Are you okay?" Asked her mom.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just a lot on my mind." She grabs some bacon.

"Of course, you are about to graduate with your law degree and become a wife."

Fatima tries to change the subject. "Where is Dad?"

"Probably in his study. Do you have any plans today? I wanted to go find my mother of the bride dress."

"That's fine we can go."

After the food is ready, they sit down and eat.

Pastor Fred speaks, "Fatima did Paris tell you we were going fishing today?"

"No, he didn't. Ma and I are going shopping anyway." Fatima said a little disgusted. "Ma what time do you want to go?"

"How about noon?"

"Sounds good." Fatima goes upstairs to call Madam. She tells her everything that has been happening between her and Zac. Then she asks her about the vacation.

"I think that's a good idea." Said, Madam. "Get you some dickity dick."

"You ain't right. Why do I bother?"

"I'm serious. That Zac, he looks like he will have you hooked."

"Bye, Cuz."

She calls the girls to see what they say.

"Did you hear anything I said?" Asked Fatima.

Lori answers, "Yeah girl you sound like a freak."

They all laugh.

"Fatima. What about Paris?" Asked Andi. "What are you going to tell him about this vacation?"

"That I'm on a girl's trip, it won't be a lie. What are y'all doing this weekend? Can y'all come with me?"

"Oh yeah, we can. I need a vacation and you could use a chaperone." Said, Lori.

"T, are you serious?" asked Andi. "You're usually the serious one. What happened to my friend?"

"Girl hush we are going on a free trip," said Lori.

"Ok once I get all the plans from Zac, I will let y'all know."

"Alright bye." They said in unison.

Two days had passed, and she hadn't heard from Zac. She didn't know if she should text him or was turned off by her suggestion.

Her phone rings and it's Madam. "Hey Cuz, what's up?"

"Hey, T. I saw your boy Zac today," said Madam.

"Oh gosh, what did you say to him, Mimi?"

"I told him he seems like a good person, but I will kill over you."

"Is that all you said, Mimi?" Fatima asked.

Madam's POV.

Zac comes to drop off some more products. "Hey Madam, can I talk to you for a moment?" 

"What's up, Zac? Make it snappy."

"Dang, are you always this straightforward?"

She gives him this look.

"Are we making money from this convo?"

Zac gets right to the point. Tells Madam everything. "Your cousin is crazy, but I like her a lot."

"Let me tell you something, Zachary. You seem like good people, but one thing I don't play with is my Madea, Fatima, and my money. In that order. You fuck with them; you get fucked up by me."

"I hear you. It ain't like that. I care about your cousin. I'm just letting you know that this is her idea and if she decides not to marry dude, it's on her not me."

"I don't like ole Preacher boy anyway," said Madam. "Like I said just don't hurt my cousin. If you like her then show her. I think she needs a man like you in her life."

"So, you think I should do it? Take her on vacation and show her a good time?"

"Hell yeah," said Madam. "Now let me get back to making money."

Back to Fatima and Madam

"Shoot I can't believe he asked you that?"

"I'm glad he did T, 'cause what you are doing is crazy. If you go on this trip when you return you need to make a decision, preacher boy or Zac."

Fatima is deep in thought.

"I got to go now. Love you."

"Love you too Mimi."

Fatima lay on the bed. She calls Zac. "Hey, Zac."

"Hey, Fatima."

"Look I'll understand if you don't want to do it. It was stupid of me to ask. I need to focus on getting married, instead of acting like some whore. I won't contact you again."

"Fatima, can I talk?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

" I don't look at you as a whore. Just a beautiful woman that is curious about what I can do for you sexually and probably mentally. Look as crazy as it sounds, I want it too, but I want you to be 100% sure this is what you want. Once it's done, there is no going back. I have a condo in Panama City Beach, FL. I made plans for us for next Friday to Sunday. If you still want to do this meet me at this location; you and your girls." He sends her a text. "If you don't show up then that's fine too, no hard feelings."

The text was the location they would meet to drive down to Florida together and the time.

"Ok." That is all she could say.

"Alright, hopefully, I will get to see you then."

They both hang up the phone.

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