Chapter 18: Secrets

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Fatima packs some clothes and heads over to Andi's.

"Thanks, Andi."

"No problem, T, I told you a long time ago you could stay here," said Andi. "I wouldn't mind a roommate."

"Right now, I don't know if I'm coming or going," said Fatima.

"Well let's start by telling me if you were with Zac and why did you ghost me?"

"I needed a break from this place. Zac had already had plans to go to Hawaii, so he invited me."

"Girl, how was it? Did you get dicked down?"

All Fatima could do was smile.

"That didn't answer my question but hold on let me call Lori."

She calls Lor. "What are you doing? Guess who is here. Fatima. Bring your butt over here now. Ok." Andi hangs up, "She will be over in 15-20 minutes. In the meantime, are you hungry? Do you want some wine?"

"I could use a glass or two of wine. Shoot probably the whole bottle."

A few minutes later Lori arrived.

"Hey T, I missed you, girl. Where have you been?" Lori asked.

"I was asking T about her trip," said Andi.

"I was in Hawaii with Zac."

"You know Lor spilled the beans, right," said Andi.

Lori shot her a look.

"What are you talking about Andi?" Asked Fatima.

"She mentioned Zac to Summer."

"And what else did you tell her?" Fatima was upset.

"Calm down I just said you were with Zac."

"You said enough right there."

"We'll talk about that later; can we talk about the trip?" An anxious Andi asked. Now again did he dick you down?"

"Oh gosh ya'll so nosy, yes."

"Aww my girl not a virgin anymore," Lori said excitedly.

"How was it, I mean your first time?" Asked Andi.

"It hurt at first, but the more we did it, it started feeling good. He took his time with me."

"I'm going to cry," said Lori. " Well, it was crazy here in Atlanta. That mother of yours is a piece of work."

"Yeah, she is, but I need to talk with Paris. I haven't talked to him since I called it off."

"Girl, he seemed fine," said Lori.

Fatima laughed, "I will check on him after class tomorrow."

"Why? Do you regret what you did?" Asked Lori.

"No, but what kind of person would I be if I didn't at least check on him after what he did? I still love him, just not enough to have married him."


It's the next evening. Fatima is done with all her classes and Paris should be off from work, so she stops by his house.

She doesn't see his car, so she assumed he hasn't gotten home from work yet. She decided to leave when Summer pulls up.

Oh gosh, I'm not ready for her right now. Fatima thought.

Summer parks and gets out of the car. "Hello, stranger." She taps on her car window, so Fatima gets out.

"Hey Summer, I can't stay long, I was looking for Paris."

"Oh, so now you care about Paris. You've been MIA for several days, skipped out on your wedding, and ghosted everyone. What's going on T? And who is this Zac guy I heard about?" Summer drilled T.

"Look I will discuss all that later. Right now, the only person I owe an explanation to is Paris."

"Well, he is very upset and sad. Mom wanted me to come over here to give him emotional support."

"So, then I will wait for him. He should be on his way home from work soon," said Fatima.

"No, he didn't work. He said he was stopping by his new house today. The one he bought for your butt," Summer said sarcastically.

Fatima rolls her eyes. "I don't have time for you today, Summer. I will talk to you later," She gets in the car and drives to the new house. She tries to remember the street it was on. After a few wrong turns, she made it.

His car is there so she gets out and knocks on the door.

A lady answers the door.

Fatima looks confused. "Hi, I am looking for Paris. That's his car, but who are you?

"I'm his fiancé," The lady said.

"What the hell? Where is Paris?" Fatima pushes past the lady. "PARIS!" She yells throughout the house.

"Can you get out of my house? I don't know who you think you are?" The lady said.

A few seconds later Paris comes downstairs. "Fa...Tima?"

"Don't Fatima me. Who the hell is she and why is she in the house you bought for me?"

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Answer me!" Fatima yelled.

"Fatima it's not what you think," said Paris.

"What do you mean it's not what I think? She said she's your fiancé, and she called this her house."

"Look you're the one that called off our wedding."

"Paris that was less than a week ago. You didn't just meet that ho two days ago. Have you been cheating on me this entire time?" Fatima's phone rings, it's Zac. At first, she ignored it, then she decided to answer it. She told him to meet her at that raggedy house that Paris bought for her.

"What was that T?" Asked Paris.

"It doesn't matter."

"Paris is this who you were messing around with when you would say you're busy and can't be with me?" Asked the lady.

"First of all, I didn't get your name," Fatima said.

"It's Brittany!"

Brittany is a blue-eyed, pale, petite woman with dark hair that seems to be about 30 years of age.

"Well, Brittany let me tell you something. Paris and I have been together since high school, we were engaged for two years until I called it off a week ago. We were scheduled to get married last Saturday, and he bought this house for me. So, what's your story?" Fatima asked trying to be calm.

"We got together last year. Once he proposed we started looking at houses and this was the one we picked out together," Brittany said.

Fatima zoned out and Zac walked through the door.

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