Chapter 27: Girlfriend Pact

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Fatima gets in the car all hot and bothered. She was sexually aroused. She forgot Lori was there.

"Umm T, what was that and are you ok? I mean I can drive back to Andi's if you want to catch up with Zac."

"No, I'm ok," Fatima said.

"Girl give me your phone."

Fatima looks confused but gave her the phone anyway. Lori found Zac's number and texted Zac.

To Zac: Don't go, I need you baby. Please come back and get me.

Fatima grabbed the phone when she realized what she was doing. Once she saw the text she texted him back.

To Zac: Sorry, that was my childish friend, Lori. I'm fine.

By the time she hit send Zac had already pulled up next to them.

"Look at what you've done," Fatima said hitting Lori on the leg.

"That's ok, you'll thank me later," Lori smiled back.

Zac gets out of the car and taps on the window.

"Are you sure you are, okay? Do you need me to follow behind you?" He asked.

Lori chimes in. "No, she needs to go with you to finish whatever it is y'all were doing 5 minutes ago, and I need to get home."

They both looked at each other. Fatima was embarrassed at what was coming out of Lori's mouth and Zac was intrigued.

"It's late Zac. After 11:00 pm," Fatima tried to get out of going.

"Girl, it's a Saturday and you ain't been going to church consistently in months. The man is begging," Lori said.

"It's obvious your friend is playing around, but we do have a lot to talk about and I'm ready to finish (he coughs) ... finish the conversation we were having inside."

"Ok, ok, talk. That's it," Fatima gets out of the car and gets into Zac's car.

Lori's POV

Lori gets in the driver's seat and drives off. When she gets to Andi's, Andi is wondering where Fatima is.

"How was the speed dating? Where is T'?" Andi asked.

"She is with her date," Lori answered.

"You left her with a stranger? Lor you know the pact. We leave here the same way we came. When we go as a group, we come back as a group."

"Yes, I know. She's in good hands. He's definitely not a stranger."

Andi is all the way confused at this point.

"Relax. She's with Zac."


"He happened to be at the speed dating event too. They were a match, so they won a free date. Let's just say the date is starting right now," she said as she looked at her watch.

"Ooh, ok I see what's going on. T' about to get her back blown out once again," Andi smiled. "That's my girl." 

They high-five each other.

Fatima POV

Fatima gets in Zac's car, and they drive to his place.

Once they arrive Zac helps her out the car.

He watches her walk into the house.

Damn, she is still fine. He thought. "You looked nice today, Fatima."

She blushes, "Thanks."

"Well, I guess we can finish our conversation in person now. Do you want anything to drink?" He asked.

"Water, please."

He goes to the kitchen to get him some Henny and her some water.

He comes back and sits next to her. By that time, she has taken off her heels to get a little more comfortable.

"Would you like one of my T-shirts?"

"Umm no thank you. I'm good."

Fatima decides to break the ice and start the conversation.

"Zachary Taylor." She likes saying his full name. "Would you have believed that we would meet up again at a speed dating event?"

"Nope, but I knew you would come back to me."

"Really? I'm pretty sure some girl has been occupying your time." She said curiously. 

"No, I haven't been in a relationship. Didn't do much dating. Honestly, T, you're all I could think about."

She blushes once again.

"How about you? Have you been dating?" Zac asked.

"I have been on a few dates, but nothing to brag about. I spent most of this time working on me. Getting my mind, body, and soul right."

"Well, it looks like it worked."

"It did," said Fatima. 

She scoots over close to him and lays in his arms. "Maybe this is the stars lining up just the way they should."

"I told you I wasn't going to let you go this time and I mean it."

"Well good, because I'm not going anywhere."

Fatima lifts her head just in time for their lips to align.

They kissed for a while until they had no choice but to come up for air. Zac pulled her in to kiss her again. His hand begins to roam her bare shoulders making his way to her to the back of her dress. "You, ok?" he whispers. "Yes," she moaned softly. He unzips her dress exposing her breasts. 

Mind you neither one of them has had sex with anyone since the night in Hawaii. So, the sexual tension is high.

He stares at her perky breast as he leans in to suck on them. Fatima lays back on the sofa letting him have full access to her. He removes her dress and her panties. "Damn," Zac said. "You are so sexy."

He lays kisses all over her body and makes his way to her clit. She invites him in letting him taste her juices. "I missed this pussy so much," Zac moaned. After a few moments of licking and sucking her clit, his tongue touches her spot, and she instantly releases it.

He removes all his clothes and rubs his penis on her clit and then slowly inserts it inside her. Once he is fully inside of her, he makes sure she is comfortable. Then he gyrates in a circular motion and in and out causing her to moan loudly. He slows down going deeper inside her, "Fuck T, I'm about to nut."

He begins to play with her nipples making her cum and they explode together.

They lay on the couch next to her trying to catch their breath.

After a while, they get up to take a shower together. 

"I would like you to stay the night and sleep next to me," Zac said.

"Ok, let me text Andi."

She texted Andi to let her know where she was and that she was staying the night.

He gave Fatima a T-shirt to sleep in. She lays in his arm and goes straight to sleep.

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