Chapter 20: The Aftermath

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Fatima finally makes it back to her parent's house. It's her dad's birthday and her mom invited her to the birthday dinner she is having for him.

"Fatima, have you finally come to your senses?" asked Lady Pat.

"Pat, can you two not start today?" asked Pastor Fred.

"Fred, she is the one that disrespected me, her mother,"

"Actually Dad, I just came by to give you your gift. Happy Birthday, I love you," Fatima hugs him and hands him his gift.

"Thank you, sweetheart, but can you stay for dinner?" he asked.

"I don't know," Fatima said as she goes upstairs to pack the rest of her things.

Lady Pat follows her upstairs.

"Where are you staying?" she asked.

"I'm moving in with Andi until I can get my own place."

"You know you can come back home."

"Naw, Ma. I think I've overstayed my welcome here."


Pastor Fred's birthday dinner starts. Everyone shows up. Paris' family, her aunt, uncle, one of the church ladies, and her Godmother, Cora.

One of the nosy church ladies speaks to Fatima. "Hey Fatima, how are you?"

"Hi, I'm good."

"When are you coming back to church?" The lady asked.

"I don't know right now."

Lady Pat enters the room. "Can ya'll come into the dining room, we are about to say grace and eat?"

Mr. Johnson says the grace and then everyone sits down to eat.

"First, I want to thank everyone for coming out to celebrate my birthday," said Pastor Fred.

"Patricia this mac and cheese is good. Did you steal this recipe from me?" Laughs Cora.

Fatima gets up to get something from the kitchen and Summer follows her.

"Hey, Friend. Just because you and my brother aren't together doesn't mean we can't talk or hang out anymore," Summer said.

"I've just been to myself lately. Trying to focus on me," she walks off.

"It's been 2 weeks and we still don't know where you were on your wedding day."

Fatima asked her. "Did you know anything about Paris' fiancé, Brittany?"

"His fiancé and who is Brittany?" Summer is puzzled.

They go back to the dining room. 

Everyone is laughing and having a good old time until Paris shows up.

"Who invited him?" asked Fatima.

"Summer told me you weren't here. I brought Pastor his dolly back," said Paris.

"It's my dad's birthday, why wouldn't I be here?" An annoyed Fatima asked.

"Fatima, what is your problem?" Asked her mother. "You basically left this man at the altar and now you are treating him like this."

"Mom!" Fatima shouted.

"Hush, you lost a good man because you are so selfish." Lady Pat shouted at Fatima. 

Fatima laughs and then gets up to leave.

"Come on babydoll, don't leave," said Pastor.

"I have to or else this will get really ugly in here."

Mama Johnson interrupts. "Tima, what your mom is trying to say is that Paris has always loved you. You two have been inseparable since high school. 

Fatima looks at Paris. "Well, Paris do you want to tell them what's going on or should I?"

"Umm, I have to finish..." Paris starts to say.

"Bro, T, said you have a fiancé," Summer blurted out. "Is that true?"

Everyone looks at Paris.

"Paris, what is she talking about?" asked Mama Johnson.

"Your precious little Paris isn't so precious. He has a fiancé, some girl he met a year ago. The house that he supposedly bought for me, was really for her."

"Is that true son?" asked Mr. Johnson.

"Yes, it is Dad."

"Boy, we did not raise you that way." Mr. Johnson continued.

"Honey, don't be so hard on him," said Mrs. Johnson.

"That's it I'm done. Ya'll is crazy. Poor little Paris can never do no wrong." Fatima grabs her things and leave.

Paris follows behind her. "Fatima, I'm sorry."

"Save it for someone who cares."

She gets in her car and heads back to Andi's.

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