Chapter 28: The Morning After

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Fatima wakes up next to Zac. She looks over at him. He's still in a deep sleep. She gets up and walks into the kitchen to see if he had anything in the kitchen to cook. The fridge was empty. Some frozen pizza, water, and frozen waffles. That's it? Just like a bachelor. Fatima thought. She makes a grocery pick-up at the local Publix and while she waits until it is ready, she cleans up a little. The house wasn't dirty or junky, just a few dishes in the sink and the dishwasher, she took care of them. Then she throws her dress and heels back on to pick up the grocery. She leaves a note for Zac letting him know where she was going and that she was driving his car. She took the keys from the key hook and left.

Once she returns, she takes the groceries out and goes to check to see if Zac was up, but he was still sleeping like a baby. She changed back into one of his t-shirts and some of his basketball shorts and then go back downstairs.

She heads to the kitchen and starts cooking. She made a western omelet with breakfast potatoes. The food is done, and Zachary still hasn't come downstairs.

Let me go and get this dude while the food is hot. She thought.

After she gets upstairs, she lays next to Zac and plants kisses all over him until he wakes up.

"Hmm," he moans trying to wake up.

"Good morning sleepy head. Do you always sleep this late?" she asked.

"I thought I had that Zacquil, but you got that Falatonin baby."

Fatima laughs at him. "Get up I made breakfast."

"Ok, I'm coming."

She goes to make the plates and pours the orange juice.

"It smells good in here and you look damn good in my shorts and tee," Zac said as he smacks her butt. "Where did you get all this food from?"

"I did a grocery pick up and drove your car to go get it, is that okay?" she asked.

"Oh of course. I trust you with everything in here."

"Yeah, but you're probably crazy about that Porsche."

"Not as crazy as I am about you," he pulls Fatima in and kisses her passionately.

"Alright now, we got to eat before it gets cold."

They sit at the table and start eating.

"Are you in a rush to get home?" he asked.

"Umm, not really, but I don't have any clothes or shoes. I bought a toothbrush and toothpaste from Publix, but...why?

"I just like spending time with you."

"How about after breakfast you take me home and we can see each other sometime this week?"

Zac looks a little upset but agrees.

After breakfast, they talk a little more and then he takes Fatima home.

"I will call you later," she said.



Fatima has been home for a few hours when Andi arrives.

"Hey, girl. Somebody is glowing," Andi said teasing Fatima.


"So how was it? Did ya'll come up for air?"

"Yes, we did."

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