Chapter 46: 6 Months

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Fatima is 6 months pregnant. The last few months of the pregnancy have been good for her. She doesn't have any more morning sickness. She gaining weight in all the right places and all the doctor visits are going well. They didn't want to know the sex of the baby though.

Since getting married, Fatima has partially moved in with Zac. She still has a few things left at Andi's that she has to get and do a change of address, and license. Zac told her not to change over her address and stuff yet since they will be moving soon.

Yes, the Taylors are building their dream home.


The Wilson Residence

Lady Pat and Pastor Fred are getting ready for the Pastor's anniversary.

"Fred, it's been 6 or 7 months since we've heard from Fatima. Do you think she's going to come to your anniversary?" Asked Pat.

"I don't know," he said.

"Can you call her? She would talk to you?"

"I will call her in the morning."

"Are you not telling me something? Have you talked to her?"

"Yes, Hunny. I've talked to her. We talk or text at least once a week," Pastor told her. "I promise you though if there was anything you needed to know I would tell you."

Lady Pat sits with her arms folded. She knew Her daughter and husband shared a special bond she would never have with her.

A few days later Lady Pat drives to Andi's to see Fatima.

"Hey Mrs. Pat, Fatima is not here," said Andi.

"That's fine I'll wait. She should be home soon," Lady Pat thought. It was 5:00 in the evening on a Tuesday. She ended up staying for an hour until Andi couldn't take it any longer. Pat was asking her a bunch of questions about Fatima that she couldn't answer.

"No disrespect Mrs. Pat, but whatever you want to know about Fatima you should call and ask her yourself."

"But she won't answer my calls."

"Well, I guess that means she doesn't want to talk to you," Andi said getting frustrated.

"Fine, I will leave, but could you tell her I came by?"

"Sure," said Andi.

Andi called Fatima to let her know her mom came by.

Two weeks later Mrs. Pat stopped by Andi's again.

"Can I just put these in her room?" Pat had some books of Fatima's that she left at the house.

"I'll take them. You can leave them with me."

"Andi this is the second time I've come by, and she is not here."

"Yes, she's fine."

Andi texted Fatima.

Andi: please come and get your mother. You have to tell her soon.

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