Chapter 11: Will She or Won't She?

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That Friday comes and Fatima has made up her mind. She texts the girls to see what time they would pick her up. Then she leaves a note on the kitchen island letting her mom know she will call her once she gets there.

She does her morning routine and then finished packing. Andi texts her that she was outside.

Fatima grabs her things and heads out the door.

"Thank you, girls. I need this getaway so much. With everything going on from the wedding, school, Zac, my parents. I just need to clear my head and have some fun."

"Well, you could have had fun riding Zac too." Lori joked.

Andi pinches her. "Lori!"

"Ouch, A!"

"I couldn't do it. I would feel horrible afterward. Besides Paris is a good man and doesn't deserve that."

"I guess," Lori said sounding disappointed.

Zac's POV

Zac receives a text from Fatima two days before the trip.

Fatima: Hi Zachary Taylor. I appreciate you for agreeing to take me on this trip. I appreciate your friendship and being my safe space. For not judging me and for being exactly who I need in the moment. You are a great guy and will make someone a very lucky girl. I am saying all that to say that I have chosen not to go on vacation and to continue to plan my wedding.

Xoxo 😘

When Zac read the text, he was a little heartbroken. But regardless of her decision, she will always have a special place in his heart. He decided to text back.

Zac: I respect your decision so no hard feelings. I hope you get all that life has to offer you and more. You deserve it all. Ps. You and your girls should still go on the trip. You can stay at the condo for free. Look at it as a graduation gift. When you get there just have the Front desk clerk to call me. I hope you still go and enjoy yourself.


Fatima POV

Fatima decided not to go on the trip because she didn't want that on her conscious knowing that she cheated on her Fiancé. Why did she even think of such a thing? After several nights of going back and forth with her decision, she finally texted Zac to let him know that she couldn't go through with it. He seemed ok with it and offered her a free vacation stay with the girls. 

"So, does this mean you and Zac aren't going to talk anymore?" asked Lori. "Is it breaking girl code if I talked to him?" 

"Yes, it is," said Fatima. 

Lori pouts. "Why let such a gorgeous man go to waste?"

"Can we not talk about him anymore?" Fatima asked Lori.

"Look let's enjoy our girl's last trip as a single lady," said Andi.

"Thanks, A."

They reach their destination at about 3:00. Fatima follows Zac's orders at the front desk and in no time, they are checked in.

Back in Atlanta

It is around 1:00 pm. Zac gets a call. 

"Zachary Taylor's office, how may I help you?"

"Hi, this is Paris. Paris Johnson."

"How can I help you, man?" Zac asked wondering why Paris is calling him.

"I have a question. I found a house online; can you get me in to take a look at it?" Paris asked.

"Um, sure let me take a look. What is the address?"

Paris gives Zac the address.

"Ok let me call around and see what I can do. I'll get in touch once I have something."

"Thanks, appreciate it, man."

"No problem."

They hang up and Zac puts his face in his hands. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Paris. He thought about pushing him off to Jake, but then it would look suspicious.

He makes a few phone calls to get information about the house Paris mentioned. 

"Hi, this is Zachary Taylor. I'm a realtor at Taylor Your Homes. Is the property at 48 Switzer Lane still available?"

"Yes, sir." said the listing agent. Would you like to come by to take a look at it?"

"When are your available showings?"

She gives him the times. 

"Great tomorrow at 2:00 will be perfect."

"I will leave the keys in the lockbox for you."

"Thank you, ma'am."

He gets off the phone and calls Paris to let him know the details.

The next day he meets up with Paris at the location.

"What's up, man? Where is the Fiancé?" Zac pretends like he doesn't know.

"She decided she needed a girl's trip or "Bachelorette Getaway." is what she called it," Paris responded.

Zac smirks, "You know women, they find any excuse to go on a trip."

"Yep," said Paris.

"You trying to surprise her with the house?" Zac looks at him like you idiot that is not a good idea because this is not her style.

"You think she would like it? Since you got to talk to her about what she liked."

Zac lied, "It's a nice house, what isn't it to like."

The house is more of a farmhouse style. Fatima likes a more modern style.

They walk in to take a tour. Zac thinks to himself that she will not like this house.

After the tour, Zac asked him what he thought. 

"I love it. I want to get it for her. How soon can we start the paperwork?"

"Can you meet me at my office on Monday morning?" Zac asked.

"See you then."

They leave and go their separate ways. 

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