Chapter 40: Family Feud

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A few days later, Teeka and Tamela have one more night before they head back to New York.

Zac and his mom completed the staging on his rental property. Then he got all the stuff for the proposal dinner.

Fatima thought about how she would persuade her parents to attend the proposal dinner considering she hadn't spoken to her mom in months. Two days earlier she stopped by her parent's house to talk to her dad first and then both. She and her dad agreed that her mom needs to make amends with Zac. After a long discussion, she swore to be on her best behavior.

Zac's House

Zac and his mom prepare this grand dinner. Some items were store-bought and some stuff they cooked.

"I don't know Mom. Fatima's mom can cook her ass off. Hopefully, this will work." Zac knows a little something something about the kitchen, considering he's a bachelor. His mom knows how to make a few dishes, but they are nowhere near as good as Lady Pat's.

"What are you thinking?" Tamela asked.

"Just hoping this goes well, " he said.

"Is it ok if I call her out on the things, she's been saying about you?" His mother asked.

"No. Let's just have a peaceful dinner."

She agreed and they set the plates and then the doorbell rang.

Fatima showed up to help them and brought a few items. Her parents should arrive in 30 minutes.


The Dinner

Zac opens the door to let the Wilsons in. "Hey Pastor," He gave Pastor Fred a dap and a fake hello to Lady Pat. "Mrs. Pat, hey, how are you?"

She looked at her husband and thought I know how to fake it too. Pastor offered to take her on a trip to Italy if she behaved. So she made sure she spoke to Zac back.

"Hi, Zac. You have a nice place," said Lady Pat.

"Thank you. Let me introduce you two to my mother." Zac waits for his mother to come back downstairs. "Mom this is Fatima's parents, Pastor and First Lady."

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Fredrik and this is my wife, Patricia." They all shake hands.

"I'm Tamela. Some people call me Tam." She introduced herself. "So, you're a pastor?"

"Yes, at Ray of Sunshine Baptist Church. You should come by next time you're in town." Said Pastor Fred.

"Dinner is ready so how about we all have a seat at the dinner table," Fatima asked.

They had Fried chicken from Publix and Chik fila Mac and cheese. Zac's mom made some Swedish meatballs and greens and mashed potatoes. Fatima brought dessert. They all sat down to eat.

"Pastor, would you mind saying the grace?" Asked Zac.

He says grace and then makes small talk. "Ms. Taylor, Zac told me you still live in New York. What do you do out there, if you don't mind me asking?" Asked Fred.

"Please just call me Tam. I own a hair salon in New York and would love to open a second one here in Atlanta one day soon," she looks at Zac for his approval. She hasn't had a chance to discuss her idea of moving to Atlanta.

"How about you Mrs. First Lady? What do you do besides assisted Pastor at the church?" Tam asked.

Lady Pat frowns at the shady comment. "I'm a retired nurse of 30 years."

Fatima and Zac decided to take over the conversation to make sure everything goes well. Everyone is laughing and having a good time until Lady Pat mentions Paris.

"Oh, you were engaged before Fatima?" Tam asked her.

"Yes, she was Mom, but it's all good. Everything that has happened has brought us here, together."

"I like seeing you happy, Son. I have never seen him this happy." Mama Tam stated. "Ms. Pat don't you want your daughter happy?"

"Of course," Lady Pat is confused at where this is coming from. " Tam, do you have something you want to say?"

Both Zac and Fatima put their head down in shame.

"Well, I've heard that you have been calling my baby names because you don't think he is good enough for your daughter."

"Of course, you would think he is the perfect son. You're probably still breastfeeding him or is it you couldn't find your husband, so you treat your son like one."

"What the fuck, Bitch?!" screamed Tam.

"MOM!" yelled Zac trying to stop her.

"No Zac, let her say what she has to say," said Pat.

"I've only met you for 30 minutes now, but I already can tell you're one of those fake, arrogant, holier-than-thou church ladies. You're so unhappy with your own life that you try to prevent all those around you from being happy," Tam said.

"You don't know anything about me or what I sacrificed for my kids."

"Mom, Mrs. Pat, chill please," Zac tried to calm them down.

"Boy, don't you tell me to chill," Lady Pat chimed in.

"Boy? Look lady I am not your boy, and I am tired of the disrespect. I've tried to be nice to Fatima, but I've had enough of your hypocritical ass."

As soon as Zac said that Lady Pat stands up and lifts her hand to smack Zac, but his mom grabbed her arm.

Pastor Fred immediately stands up to Zac. "Young man if you lay one hand on my wife or continue to disrespect her, I will send you back to New York."

As much as Zac wanted to knock him out, he didn't for Fatima's sake. He knew that it was getting way out of hand, so he decided to leave and calm down. He looks around to find Fatima, but she is gone. "Where is Fatima?" He checks the bedroom.

"Fatima, are you okay?" He asked her as he notice tears roll down her eyes.

She stands up and hands him the ring. "Zac, I can't do this. As she walks out of the room and out the front door, Zac follows her.

"Fatima, wait," he yelled.

She turns around standing right in front of the front door and began to tell everyone, "The wedding is off. I'm tired of the unnecessary bickering and arguing. If our family can't get along then what does that mean for us?"

"What are you saying, Fatima? Are you canceling the wedding and breaking up with me because of the issues they have?" He points to the parents.

"I can't do this anymore," She heads out the door and leaves.

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