Chapter 29: Titles

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It's been a month since the speed dating event. Zac and Fatima had been spending a lot of time together. Zac had to take care of something in New York and would be gone for at least a week.

Fatima was driving Zac to the airport. She first picks him up at his house.

Knock, knock.

"Hey babe," Zac answers the door. "Thanks for agreeing to drive me to the airport and pick me up."

He kissed her on the lips.

"No problem, that's what your girl is for," said Fatima.

"Oh, so now you're my girl?" He kisses her again on the lips.

She doesn't know how to answer. "Umm?"

"Do you want to be my girl?" He asked.

Fatima didn't know how to answer that question. Yes, she likes Zac a lot, and they have been hanging out a lot, but they haven't put a label on it yet. Honestly, Fatima still didn't know how she felt about that, about being Zac's girl.

"Hello, earth to T,"

"I don't know. Can we table that?" Fatima asked.

"Sure," Zac got his bags and put them in the car. Then went to make sure the house was locked up, and everything was turned off, and to get his plane ticket. Then they headed out the door.

After a quiet drive to the airport, they arrive.

"Thank you again," Zac said and then he leaned in to kiss her. "I'll FaceTime you when I get there."

"Ok. Bye."

Zac got out of the car and Fatima left the airport.


It was Sunday, and Fatima is at her parent's house after church. Lady Pat cooked Sunday dinner and the Wilson Family was sitting around the table.

"So, what's been going on, Fatima?" Asked Lady Pat. "

"She got a boyfriend," Patrick interrupted.

"Whatever boy," Fatima throws a piece of bread at her brother. 

"Tima! Don't be throwing food. Now go pick it up." Her mother demanded.

Patrick laughs at her. 

"Back to what I asked you. How is the job and when are you going to take the bar exam?" Lady Pat asked getting up to grab dessert.

"The jobs going okay, it is paying the bills. I haven't had much time to study for the bar though."

"Why not?" asked Pastor Fred. I thought you were determined to be a lawyer. Why are you putting it on hold now? I'm like Patrick, is it a guy?"

"No. No guy is preventing me from taking the bar. I'm going to get back into it soon," Fatima said. "Now can we change the subject?"

"Sure, you always want to change the subject when we ask about your personal life," Lady Pat said.

"And you wonder why Mom. When and if I meet a guy, I will let ya'll know. Geesh, I got to go."

"Fatima, don't leave like that. Your mother didn't mean anything by it," Pastor Fred said.

"Dad, why do you always take her side?"

"I'm not taking her side. I just don't want you two at odds again." His father said.

Fatima sits back down. "I'm sorry Mom."

Lady Pat just sits there.

"Pat!" Yelled Fred. "Did you not hear her?"

"Yes. I'm sorry Fatima," She spoke.

"Now sit back down and let's have a civilized conversation," Fred said.

"Yes, sir."

"Now didn't you have some good news you wanted to tell Fatima?" Fres asked his wife.

"I'm retiring from nursing," said Lady Pat.

Lady Pat has been a nurse for thirty years. She took care of her and Madea's mother when she got sick. She then decided to go into nursing school and then started working at a local hospital in Atlanta. While she and Pastor Fred came there with his dad, Pastor Flint. They were there visiting one of the church members. One thing led to another, and they started dating. They got married a year later and got pregnant with Fatima. When Pastor Fred opened up Ray of Sunshine Baptist Church, he told her she didn't have to work anymore, but she loved what she did. Once she got the Nursing Director position, she was able to set her schedule, which allowed her to focus more on the church and her family.

"Wow," Fatima was shocked. "What made you decide to do that? You love being a nurse and Dad had wanted you to quit for years."

"Well, I finally reached thirty years and your dad, and I want to expand the church and travel before we get too old."

"Congratulations Mom. I'm so happy for you." Fatima gets up to hug her.

"That's what I'm talking about. I love when my girls get along and show each other love," said Pastor Fred.

"We need to celebrate. How about a little something at the church?" Fatima asked.

"Naw, it's no big deal," said Lady P.

"Whatever. Dad, I will handle it," said Fatima. "When is your last day?"

"Next month," Lady P answered.

"Okay, I'm on it. I will see ya'll later." Fatima got up from the dining table to leave.

"Take some food with you, baby." Said her mother.

She goes into the kitchen to grab her and Andi a to-go plate. Andi always liked her mom's cooking. Then she says her goodbyes again and leaves.

Once she gets in the house and gets settled, Zac calls her on Facetime.

"Hey Zachary Dachary, how was your day?" Fatima asked.

"It was exhausting, but I'm okay," said Zac.

"Aww, they are working you too hard?"

"Yep. How was your day?"

"It has been good. I went to church and then had dinner with my parents. My mom just announced that she was retiring next month."

"Ok, that's what's up."

They talked for a few more minutes and then Zac gets off the phone. Ever since the day he was going to the airport, he has been kind of short with Fatima. He didn't like that she avoided the conversation about them making it official. He wanted nothing more than to be with her and only her. This is the first time he has ever felt this way about a girl. He hadn't always been a cheater, but he wasn't always the one initiating a relationship either until he met Fatima. He waited months for her after she left Paris and now that they made their way back to each other he didn't want to lose her again.

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