Chapter 25: Speed Dating

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Within the last few weeks, Fatima has gone on a couple of dates. One date was with a guy she met in the grocery store. He asked her to go Dutch on the date. Afterward, she made sure to lose his number. She and Mr. Prince decided to go on another date.

Fatima's POV

Fatima is getting dressed in a green blazer and blue jeans with green strapped sandals. Mr. Prince was taking her out.

Before she left out for her date Lori had stopped by to borrow one of her purses. Fatima is known as the bag queen because she had tons of purses. Paris used to get her one for every occasion.

"Lori you can keep that purse. I didn't want to give it away because it was a gift, but now that we are done, you can have it. Go in my closet and get another one you like." Said Fatima.

"Aww, thanks, T."

"And hurry up, my date is about to come pick me up." Said Fatima rushing Lor.

"Ok, I'm leaving."

Lori opens the door to leave as Mr. Prince is getting ready to knock.



"You two know each other?" Asked Fatima.

Lori and Mr. Prince look at each other, not saying a word.

"Hello, can you stop staring and say something." Fatima gets impatient.

"Fatima can we all have a seat?" asked Mr. Prince.

"I guess, as long as I can get some answers."

They all go sit in the living room.

"What is going on?" asked Fatima. "How do you know my friend?"

Lori speaks first. "You remember a few years ago, I dated this guy. I refuse to let you, or Andi meet him. The reason is because he was married, and I didn't want you two to judge me."

Fatima is speechless.

Mr. Prince chimes in. "But I'm not married anymore. We divorced a year ago and that's when I moved into this building."

"Um, Calvin. I think you should go." Fatima suggested.

"I'm sorry. I really liked you," he said.

"It's not going to work out. Not because you were married or cheated. Well because of that and also because you dated my best friend. We are serious about girl code over here," said Fatima getting up to let him out.

When he gets up to leave, he turns to Lori and then Fatima, whispering to them both that he was sorry.

Once she shut the door, she walks back to the sofa where Lori was.

"I guess I dodged a bullet. I don't know if this dating thing is for me." Fatima thought out loud.

"You know one of the girls at my shop said they were having a speed dating event in Atlanta. It's more of a charity thing, but she said it's a lot of fun. Maybe we should go this weekend. At least go out with a bang before you end your hot girl summer."

"I'll think about it."

Andi enters the room. "Think about what?"

"T has had a few bad experiences with dating so she's ready to call it quits," Lori explained.

"Already, Summer just started." Andi laughed.

"Well, it turns out Calvin aka Mr. Prince was a no good. He is a cheater and he and Lori used to date."

"Dang. From now on we need to meet each other's dates and start vetting them first." Andi requested.

"Well, we're going to give dating one last try. Do you want to go with us to a speed dating event? I mean you can sit on the sideline and help us."

"Sorry, I already have plans with El."

Lori mocks her, "I already have plans with El."

"Don't hate," Andi said.

"Well since I'm already dressed and looking cute, can we go out to get something to eat?" Fatima asked.

"Yeah, let's go," Andi told the girls.


It is Saturday afternoon and Fatima can't believe she agreed to do a speed dating event. I don't even know what to wear. Fatima thought. Looking through her closet. She decides to call Lori to see what she was wearing.

"What are you wearing, Chica? Can you just send me the info?" Fatima asked Lori.

She sent it.

Atlanta Speed Dating Event

June 9th at 8:00 PM

Atlanta Professional Singles

Ages 28-39

Atlanta Restaurant and Lounge

Dress Code: Grown and Sexy

Fatima finds a nice dress to wear. Then she goes to run a few errands. Since Lori is meeting her at Andi's she has plenty of time, so she stops by the nail salon to get pampered.

After she is done, she heads home to start getting ready. She gets out of the shower and does her makeup. and pulls some of her hair back. 

The results are fire. Tima, you look damn good. She said to herself.

A few moments later Lori arrives, and they head out

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A few moments later Lori arrives, and they head out.

The place is set up very nicely. Not like the typical speed dating you've probably seen before. It is upscale. Mainly for mature adults. The restaurant is filled with dimmed lighting and soft music. They have it set up so the ladies will already be seated and then the guys will arrive at each table one by one getting to know each lady. They are served with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. At the end of the night, the ladies are allowed to decide which guys they would like to continue dating. There are a total of 20 women and 20 men. 

The event starts. They all order their drinks and then the waiter brings light appetizers and hors d'oeuvres to each table. A few minutes later the dating begins. Each guy is dressed nicely, they sit at a table and converse for about 10 minutes per date until the buzzer goes off and they have to move on to the next date.

After about an hour and about six dates later, Fatima was not having any luck.

"Is this seat taken?" asked a familiar voice.

She looks up, "Zachary Taylor?"

"Fatima Wilson," he smiles.

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