Chapter 41: Is It the End of the Road?

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Fatima gets home and cries her eyes out. She loves Zac, but the drama that has happened since they have been together was too much.

It's been a few weeks since she has spoken to Zac or her parents. They all have left her tons of messages, but she hasn't responded. After a while, Zac decides to give her space.

She looked at her messages from Zac.

4 text messages, 10  missed calls, and 5 voicemail messages

One of the voicemail messages read,

"Hey, babe. I want to apologize on behalf of my mom and myself for the dinner disaster. I shouldn't have let it get that far. Mom is torn by her actions and apologizes. I wish there was something I could do for you to forgive me. I miss you and I love you."

One Evening after work Zac stopped by but Fatima wouldn't answer the door.

He also sent her roses. Which are taking over the kitchen island.

Andi and Lori came into the house. "Girl, please talk to this man. All these flowers are going to cause a fire," Andi laughed.

"I'm done, Andi. It's too much. If I got to deal with all that to be with him ion want it."

Lori chimed in, "Why not? Love ain't easy. Besides T, you can't keep running."

"What do I suppose to do with his mom and my mom not getting along?"

"What ya'll been doing which is not caring what everyone else thinks," said Andi.

"It's over can ya'll just let it go?"

"Have you talked to your mom yet?" Lori asked while smelling the flowers.

"Of course not. She's not going to apologize, but she sent me a text the next day saying that I'm too good for Zac."

"Wow! Can we go out and have fun? You need you to get out of the house," asked Lori.

"Ooh, yeah let's go to Club Eden," Andi said excitedly.

"Don't you get the VIP services of Club Eden?" Lori asked. She was talking about El Feugo. Andi has been dating him for a while now and they are going strong.

The girls plan to go out Saturday night.

Saturday arrived and they all were getting dressed to go out. Fatima put on a red mini strapless dress with black sandals.

The girls are ready. Andi and Lori stop to pick up Lori and then head to Club Eden.

They had a ball, it felt like old times again.

Zac's POV

Tamela apologized numerous times. She didn't mean to mess up their relationship. Zac told her it wasn't her fault. It is something he and Fatima will have to deal with.

"I've called her multiple times, left messages, and even went by her house. I'll give her some space," Zac told Preston.

"Man, I just can't believe she gave you back the ring," Preston said.

"Well, I know Fatima, and the more I push, the more she pushes away."

Fatima's POV

Fatima is trying to move on and get over Zac. It's very hard, she misses him so much, but she thinks their breaking up is for the best. She started her new job last week and that has been her main focus for now.

One morning she was having trouble getting ready for work. She had been feeling sick and throwing up. She didn't know if it was something she ate, a bug, or if was she pregnant. It couldn't be a bug because she would be feeling fine one minute and not so well the next, which was happening for the past 2 hours. She finally made it to work and made a note to buy a pregnancy test.

She agreed to go out to eat later with the girls but thought about canceling multiple times.

After work, she met them at the restaurant.

"Hey T, you ok?" Asked Andi.

"Yeah, just a little tired," Fatima responded.

They ordered their drinks and food. Until she knew for sure, she just got a glass of water. Andi and Lori got a Margarita.

"Are y'all getting appetizers?" Fatima asked.

"I want some mozzarella sticks." Said Lori

When the waitress returns, they placed their food order.

"How is the new job going?" Andi asked.

"Oh, I love it. Thanks for the referral."

Once the appetizers came Fatima had to throw up again. She ran to the bathroom.

"What just happened?" asked Lori.

"I don't know," shrugged Andi.

She returned to the table.

They just looked at each other with no words needed. Fatima set down, they got their food to go and drove back to the house.

The drive home was quiet. Once they arrived, they entered the house and Lori handed her a pregnancy test. She went to the restroom and then returned.

"We have to wait a few minutes for the results," Fatima told them. The girls rallied around her.

"So, what do you want the results to be?" Lori asked her.

"Oh gosh. I don't know."

"Lori let's just get the results first because at this point it doesn't matter," said Andi.

Her alarm went off to check the test results.

She enters the bathroom and returns with the test.

She enters the bathroom and returns with the test

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The girls hugged Fatima.

Lori asked confused, "Can I be excited, or should I be sad?"

Fatima took a deep breath, "Right now I am filled with a lot of emotions, but you can be excited. I just need time to process it all."

"We understand," Andi said looking at Lori.

"Andi, don't look at me like that. I'm going to be an Aunty."

"I want to thank you two for being here for me," she hugs the girls.

"Is this your way of telling us you want us to leave?" Lori asked.

Fatima shakes her head. "Yes, Lo."

They both leave her room. Fatima gets in the shower and cries her eyes out. Then gets out and gets in bed, which she doesn't come out of for the remainder of the night.

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