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Dortmund, Germany

The sun was starting to scatter through the curtains. Rays of warm light touched Stella's arm as she half-slept peacefully against her fluffy pillows. Her body rolled over, pulling the comforter with her.

She extended her arm, not wanting to crush Carolina, but there was only empty space. She peeked open one eye and found she was the only one in bed. Stella rolled over again, facing the alarm clock. 9:30 a.m.

Before she could sit up and stretch, there was a loud explosion sound from the living room. She nearly jumped out of bed, stumbling to the door with a worried look. She jogged into the living room. Carolina and Joah were sitting on the couch.

The sound she heard- just the television. Gunfire was screeching from the flatscreen. The siblings glanced at her.

"Did we wake you up?" They asked at the same time.

Stella let out a sigh of relief. "No, I was already up. What are you watching?"

"A movie called Push. Have you seen it?" Joah sounded excited.

She moved closer to them and turned her shoulder, so she could see the screen. "I have seen it. I'm surprised you guys have- it's a bit of an older movie."

"It's my first time watching it." Carolina added with a smile. She, like her brother, was still wearing pajamas. She borrowed a tee shirt of Stella's that fit her like a dress. Joah was in a pair of baggy shorts and a basketball jersey borrowed from Gio. "The colors are funny."

Stella chuckled, "It's a little grainy too. Didn't it come out in 2009?"

"That's a long time ago." Joah snickered, earning a glare from Stella.

Carolina looked up at her with a curious expression, knitting her brows together. "How old were you?"

"I was nine." Stella bulged her eyes at the youngest Reyna. "Remember? I was born in 2000, so it's easy to keep track."

"How old was Gio?"

"He was seven." Stella remembered watching the movie with him, Hannah, and Christian. Stella had pleaded with her brother to watch it with the lovebirds. She wanted to impress Gio that she could get Christian to fold. He did, but she ended up regretting it. "Gio and I begged my brother to watch it with him and Hannah. It's PG-13, so we weren't allowed too yet. But Christian didn't care. We watched it and both got scared, so we ended up staying up all night afraid that people were going to invade our minds."

"My brother got scared from this?" Joah slapped a hand over his mouth, holding back a laugh.

"Don't you guys think it's a little scary? Especially you, Car?" Stella wiggled her brows. "What about the scene where Chris Evan's back looks like there's something crawling inside?"

"The graphics make it funny." Joah shook his head. "Like a weird comedy."

"Alright, big man." Stella sighed, running a hand through her messy hair. "And you?"

Carolina waved a dismissive hand. "It's not scary."

"Okay, okay." Stella ruffled her hair. "Did you guys pick it out or did G?"

"Who do you think?" Joah rolled his eyes. "Oh, he's making breakfast by the way. Pancakes."

Stella laughed and headed into the kitchen. Gio stood over the stove, with a pan full of batter. Those pancakes were about to be huge. They were covered in chocolate chips and bananas. Stella wrapped her arms around his waist, smiling into his back. He wore a thin white tee shirt and gym shorts. "You let them watch Push?"

Gio threw his head back with laughter. "Babe, we watched it way younger. Carolina might be a little scared, but she'll be fine."

"I told them." Stella moved to his side, resting on the counter. "I should've told them how Christian scared you afterwards."

"Hey!" Gio sneered. "He scared the both of us."

"I didn't pee myself."

"Stella!" Gio slapped a battered-covered hand over her mouth. "Joah and Car will tease me for the rest of my life if they know."

"Your secret is still safe with me." Stella kisses his cheek.

"Why did Christian even want to watch that movie? He was into all the sport flics then."

"Hannah suggested it, remember? She's been in love with Chris Evans ever since."

"She really does have a type. And by type, I mean guys who have the name Chris." Gio went back to making breakfast. "Have you talked to her since the DM's?"

Stella sighed, "No she sounded pretty angry."

"Maybe she was on her period."

"Gio." Stella shook her head. "You're such a guy."

Her phone started ringing. She could hear it from the bedroom. Gio glanced over his shoulder, "Maybe that's her."

Stella jogged to the room and answered her phone without looking at the Caller I.D. "Hello?"

"Hi Stell! It's Danielle. I was just calling to see if you guys had gotten the packages of clothes we sent?"

Stella slumped a bit, but nodded. "Oh Hi Danielle! I will go check right now."

"I tried Gio but he didn't pick up."

"He's cooking breakfast." Stella confirmed. "I'll text you in just a sec!"

"Thank you, dear!"

Stella hung up and glanced at the screen. She clicked on Hannah's contact, debating on if she should call first. She let out a sigh and made her way to the front door. The package was there. Stella brought it inside and texted Danielle.

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