To this day

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"Ugh why did it have to be me?" Minho groaned. Minho had arrived at the hotel and immediately face planted on the bed. He was honestly tired from the plane ride and a bit jet lagged and honestly, he was nervous as all hell.

I mean what was the chance that Minho would even run into Felix?

Minho kept telling himself it would be a very slim chance and he should just relax but he couldn't help but feel that something is off.

Minho had the whole day to just relax and tomorrow he would have to go and meet with the coordinator of the dance competition. It's the weekend so he had no idea why he had to do this shit now.

After a while Minho turned on his back and drifted off to sleep. He didn't realize it, but he was dead tired. After everything that happened two years ago to this day, he hasn't had a peaceful night's sleep.


I was getting very impatient as midnight was nearing and Felix was nowhere to be found. I'm pretty sure we both were looking forward to this it might not be our first kiss but it's our first new year's kiss. It was supposed to signal that start of our new relationship, the start of a new year, a new me and a new love.

Everyone had their significant other except for Jisung and Seungmin, Felix was nowhere to be found as well as Hyunjin and Changbin. The clock read 11:55 so at this point I was very annoyed and decided to get up from my seat and go find my Lixie. Besides the others were being obnoxious and loud not even realizing there were three boys missing.

Somehow my body moved on its own took my upstairs, I looked in a few of the rooms and they were all dark and quiet. My eyes caught sight of the balcony door slightly ajar, and I made my way over to close the door as it was fucking freezing outside.

I could see bursts of bright colors in the sky across the way, people were lightening up fireworks as the new year drew closer by each passing minute. I was about to close the balcony door, but something told me not too, it was dark out there, but I saw a shadow. The shadow turned into two shadows and as I opened the door more and stepped outside the cool air hit my face which was a bit harsh.

As much as my body moved on its own and made its way up here to this very spot it was as if I had a sixth sense, Knowing Felix was gone for so long had me worried and thought maybe he was just scared and wanted to back out. 

That I would have understood.

What I saw now in front of me I could not understand.

Hyunjin had his hands on Felix's waist and his lips were connected to Felix's, I could only see the back of Felix, but he was not moving. Felix made no move to push Hyunjin away or get out of his grasp.

I wish I could say my eyes were deceiving me, but no not this time.

For what felt like forever but maybe only a few seconds Hyunjin broke the kiss, Hyunjin smiled slightly, and cupped Felix's cheek and his gaze wandered up to my face.

His eyes widened slightly, and he dropped his hand, as Felix finally turned around, I was already walking away. I could hear him calling my name, but it made no difference, my mind was all over the place and my heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces.

As much as I wanted to let the tears fall, I kept them in, I went to my room and grabbed my suitcase and packed whatever I could in such a small amount of time. I didn't want to be here any longer than I had too and frankly I didn't care if I left anything behind.

My heart was heavy, and my mind was empty, you'd think it would be full of thoughts, full of why's and how could you's. Not right now, I just wanted to get out of here right now and as I made my way down the stairs knowing full well Felix was after me along with Hyunjin.

As I swung the front door opened, thanking God it wasn't snowing...I left.

I know I left the rest of them confused and wondering but I didn't care, I couldn't stand to look at their faces.

I walked until I couldn't no more, and as I collapsed on the ground the cold snow seeping through my clothes, I still didn't allow myself to cry. Not too far away I could see headlights and I waved them down, stopping just in front of me window rolled down asking if I needed a ride.

As I got in the car not even caring if I could be kidnapped or killed right now, I managed to say I needed a ride into town and from there I would just grab a taxi.

To my luck I was safe, seeing the town come into view it brought back memories that I didn't want to remember right now.

I thanked the man and as he drove off, I hailed a taxi and I was on my way, I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

I never would have thought my best friend would betray me. Never would have thought the first person I felt comfortable with in what felt like years would betray me.

One of the very reason's my nights were never peaceful.

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