Bring the heat

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Monday: Start of auditions


Well, Monday is finally here, and I can start my weeklong audition session with these little brats. This shall be very interesting, the director just sent me the list of all the ones who signed up and no surprise there when I saw Felix's name as well as Heesung's.

I mean what did I expect?

After cleaning up and putting on my clothes I headed down to the restaurant in the hotel for breakfast, luckily this is all paid for, and I don't have to spend a fucking dime. Fuck I didn't even look at my phone at all this morning.

A few messages from my co-workers back home, a message from Seungmin saying thank you for finally coming to the wedding and this mumble of text from Jisung.


Minhoe! Wait you're not a hoe, sorry. 

You deserve to be happy! Not sad and alone:(

You're a great guy Min, hopefully you don't fall back into his trap easily, cuz I know I wouldn't give Hyunjin the same satisfaction.

I'm drunk texting you like you drunk dialed me! Remember?

Anygay I think you're great and hopefully you can find someone who loves you the way you should be loved.

P.S. I like you! Why couldn't I have been attracted to you instead of that stupid ass pretty boy. By the way my hatred for him returned so we can both gang up on him!

Wow not even a single word that was out of pace or misspelled, drunk texting he sure seemed sober.

I'm sure things would have been a lot different if I hadn't of fallen for Felix, I sure as hell wouldn't be where I am right now if it wasn't for Hyunjin. No matter how much I hate him right now he did save me.

Jisung my cute squirrel friend you shouldn't be liking someone you know you don't have feelings for. Being drunk and sad can do so many things to a person, especially if you get drunk with someone else and end up doing things with them.

Wonder if he remembers sending any of those messages?

After finishing my breakfast, I went outside to wait for my driver, as soon as he pulled up got out and opened the door for me, I hopped in and away we went.

As we pulled up to the dance academy the driver got out and opened the door for me, stepping out of the car I stood there for a few minutes to really take in the place.

Damn this is going to be a long week.

Going inside the place was in full swing much more than it was the other day I was here. It was actually kind of nice, I went to the elevator and pressed the button for up. As soon as the door opened, I got in and was about to push the button when I heard a 'hold the door!'

Looking up I noticed it was...Felix. He was by himself though which was kind of a relief but at the same time I don't think I can handle being with him alone.

Actually, realizing I was in there with him he cleared his throat and pressed the button, luckily, we both were going to the same floor.

"Are you ready?" I asked looking over at him. "R-ready for w-what." Felix stuttered. "This week, the auditions? I didn't know you were a dancer." "Yeah, well there's a lot you don't know." Felix talked back.

I smirked at his response knowing damn well how he can get especially when he gets sassy. Looking at him he looked a little nervous and it was cute but at the same time I noticed something on his neck.

Oh fuck no.

Pushing the stop button on the elevator and it coming to a jolted stop, I walked over to Felix and cornered him against the wall. He looked terrified and didn't know what to do so he just stood there frozen in place looking at me.

I brought my hand up to his shirt and pulled it to the side gently to reveal the dark purple spot on his neck just by his collarbone.

I let my fingers graze over the spot, and I felt Felix shudder beneath my touch. "Seems like someone had a good time." I asked. "Ooh...uh its nothing." Felix said trying to push my hand away.

Taking a step closer to him I leaned in, our faces only inches apart. I forgot what it almost felt like to be this close to him and damn did he smell good too. My hand travelled down to his waist and rested there, my other hand grabbed his chin and pushed it up, so he was looking at me. "I hope you had fun Kitten. That better be the only one I ever see on your neck from now on." I whispered.

Felix somewhat relaxed under my touch but still stayed frozen in place but his fear was replaced by something else in his soft brown eyes. I couldn't quite place what it was, but it was something I wanted to find out.

What Felix did next surprised me.

He placed both his hands on the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him. "I'm not that scared little confused boy anymore Min." Felix whispered against my lips. His lips were just brushing against mine but not to the point of kissing. "If you want to play then let's play." Felix spoke.

Pulling away he pressed the button, and the elevator was back on track. Before the door opened, I looked at Felix.

"And I'm not afraid of feelings anymore, so Felix you sure you're ready?" I spoke as the door opened up and I walked out.

Never ceases to amaze me that one, my cute little kitten is still the same but he's right. He's not that scared confused boy anymore, rather he is full of confidence whether he fully shows it or not.

When I saw him the other day, I had no intention of even talking to him let alone bringing heat into this now game. He wants to play then we will play, just how far is he willing to go?

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