I guess life is funny in a way

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Well, I guess it's time to go do my part...the boring part that is. Talking to the coordinator of this dance agency on a fucking weekend no less isn't what I had in mind when I came here. I'm more looking forward to actually finding some good dancers, this is something that I can do being a dancer myself and all now that I ever bothered with this lifestyle until after the fact.

Those few years being stuck in that toxic relationship really took a toll on me and the one person I thought who my best friend was, the one who helped me turned out to be nothing more than liar. 

Dancing really helped me, helped me forget just a little bit and being a dance teacher ain't all that bad either.

Walking into the agency and finding it very quiet considering it's a weekend felt weird in some way. Got to hand it to this place though it's very well put together and as it should be considering it's Australia's best. I walked to the receptionist's desk and stated my business, surprised to be honest there's someone sitting here.

She told me to head to the third floor where most of the dance studios are and the head coordinator's office along with the director's office. I made my way to the elevator and pushed the button to the third floor, as the doors closed, I couldn't help but think something was a little off. Call me paranoid or whatever but I've come to be a very cautious person nowadays. I was told to walk down the hallway and it'd be the first door on the right just around the corner.

As the elevator door opened, I could hear music coming from one of the dance studios I presume, someone must be either practicing or just here for fun. Making my way down the hallway and turning the corner I found the office, standing in front of it has me feeling nervous for some reason and I have no fucking idea why.

I knocked on the door and heard a faint come in from the other side. Opening the door, I enter and go to stand in front of the very big mahogany desk. "Ah Mr. Lee I presume?" The older man on the other side of the desk spoke. "Please call me Minho sir." I say extending my hand. "Nice to meet you Minho, I am Mr. Song. Pease sit." Song shaking my hand and motioning for me to sit.

Taking a seat, I look around the room and notice plenty of awards and trophies on the wall and posters of what I assume to be this agency's top dancers and so on. Seems like Mr. Song here was a dancer himself back in the days.

"So, you are highly praised Minho. I've also seen some of your high school dance competitions, let's hope you can pick this agency's top dancers and make them winners." Song spoke. "Considering I left dancing for years it was like it I never forgot. Thank you, sir I appreciate, coming here and being chosen as I know there are people more qualified than me." I reply. "We have a few good ones here and I hope you make the right choice. We recently got a new dancer and for the short amount of time he's been here he has excelled in everything and is climbing to the top fast. This is why we are the best here." "Well, I look forward to working with them and watching them dance sir." "Good to hear. You have one week to find the best here and make them even better, this dance show will be good for us and them. Help get their name out there."

Standing up and extending his own hand this time I stand as well taking his hand in mine and shaking. I can tell this is extremely important and I can't fuck this up, let's see what this week brings me. "Our main dance studios are on this floor so feel free to look around and we will see you on Monday." Song said. I simply nodded my head and turned towards the door.

Let's go see what this place is all about.

Walking down the hall and past a few of the rooms I can tell they are high end and very spacious none the less. My feet however dragged me towards the room where the music was playing before. Walking up to the door I could see two people dancing but not in a way that would be practicing, no they were dancing for fun. Looks like they were having the time of their lives and reminds me of me way back when. 

For some reason my hand is already reaching for the doorknob and turning it. Opening the door and letting the music echo through the hallway I take a step in, and I stop in place. It would be hard not to recognize that smile or those eyes better yet those freckles.

What were the chances right?

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