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I am back my loves😁😁😁✨✨

Orian's pov

                     I remember the first time I met Penelope-Iris Balforth. I could swear, at that time, that she was the most beautiful woman I had seen.

She had on a green dress that matched the shade of her eyes and her hair had been thrown up with loose curls falling over her face swinging as she raced towards Akanther with excitement I had never witnessed while he brought me into the castle.

The excitement I had witnessed that they shared whenever they were around each other was one I craved in my fantasies of having a partner as i grew and it was the same excitement that Amara's parents, Lycus and Nyx shared which I had noticed while I watched them from Afar.

Theirs was over the top, disgustingly obvious from the way they acted when around each other to even when people were around them. It was like puppy love but far greater and stronger. It was like they couldn't contain their eagerness to let the world know that they were in love, they loved each other in whatever present day they found themselves in as if there would be no tomorrow, and as time went by, it increased my resentment for them knowing that they robbed my family of that. They robbed my foster mother of her mate and robbed Ares and me of a father while their family was strengthened, blossoming in togetherness.

After the death of Akanther, losing our kingdom nor being robbed of a father wasn't the most tragic thing to befall us, it was Penelope going mad from the loss of her mate.

It all started with denial, the conversations and pretending that her mate was still there which entailed her having meals while talking to thin air claiming it was him. This was  followed by the 'ifs and whys', questioning her ill omen daily and asking why she had to be the one with the dead mat. I wasn't around to witness the rest as I had to go to prison but Nexus was always around to keep me up to date during his visitations and told me how much her condition had worsened. He didn't leave out how much she spoke out her resentment for me whenever she had her episodes.

I knew it was all because she was mad, sick, and frustrated. She didn't hate me and she never will even if she thinks I am the reason for our downfall.

When I got out, she got better but whenever she broke into those episodes, she would throw tantrums and take her anger out on me which would increase my resentment for the werewolves and strengthen my vow to bring them down.

I had my life planned out, with the help of Hector. We had everything mapped out and never in my life did I think that my plans will end up with me sitting in front of my now angry foster mom with my wife outside worrying about our future just as I was at the moment.


                     I let out a sigh seeing her irises regain their color, the red glow faded revealing troubled green eyes that would surely haunt me later on reminding me of my selfishness and her expression relaxed from anger to what I could not read.

"Orian." She let out a shaky breath laying her hands on her lap and interweaving her fingers while she rested her gaze on me, "Who did you say your wife is?"

A rhetorical question if you ask me as we both know she heard me correctly the first time, "Who is she?" She repeated, her voice taking a more stern pitch and her gaze pinning me.

"Lycus's daughter." I replied with confidence, "She's Lycus's daughter."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" She snapped getting up from her seat with hands falling to her side and fingers curled like she was resisting the urge to smack me in the face, "What was your mission?" She asked me tearing my soul with her gaze and my guilt tripled seeing a slight sheen of tears in her eyes.

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