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( xiv. instinct & robin )

BEFORE cole had called sam, he was hanging out with gar. he did decide to go out and talk to a guy around his age. the green haired boy was welcoming. the two of them were watching tv and enjoying a bunch of snacks they got from the liquor store across the street. gar looked over at the boy and asked, "so... sam..."

"bro." the jones groaned, "are you seriously asking me if she's single?" cole could sense in the other boys' voice what he was going to say. gar just let out a laugh, "well, not exactly. i definitely would not have a chance. seems like there's something going on with her and a certain someone."

cole rolled his eyes, immediately assuming who gar meant, "yeah. i think she deserves better than dick. they have too much in common, and not always the good type of common." he sighs and slides down the headboard that his back was laying against, and more to lay his head on the pillow. he noticed gar looking a little confused at what he said, "i know i haven't been here for long, but i wasn't talking about dick."

"then who are you talking about?" cole rose his eyebrow but he brushes it off, "i say dick because they apparently grew up together and i saw something happening there but uh, i was very wrong. they're both fucked up and as much it would be fun to see two fucked up people be in a stable relationship. they would kill each other."

"yeah, it really seemed like sam wanted to kill him. that's all i got from them." gar shrugs, "you seem to know things about other people. like you can read them."

that made the jones blush a little bit at the compliment, "not always but uh... it depends on the person and how easy it is. in school, i'm the weird quiet kid that just observes from a distance. i can tell if people are hiding things and well... there are some secrets that some people aren't 100% honest about."

gar playfully punched cole in the shoulder, "i think that's your own superpower."

"sounds pretty lame." the boy sighs, "but it seems better than dick's, 'i can keep you alive' thing." and both boys started laughing together. for cole, he felt great to hang with another guy that didn't make him feel like an outsider, even if that guy had green hair and can turn into a tiger. but said guy would be one awesome best friend to have. then their laughing stopped when they heard sounds coming through the vents. cole shushed gar as they both heard what was going on, the logan noticed a certain look on cole's face that looked like it was traumatized, "oh, you don't think--"

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