chapter 3: the strong stranger

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Ashes pov.
We ended up getting food at this pizza place that my mom used to take me to. It reminded me of Chucky cheese with people in animal costumes and animatronics. When we sat at a little booth and started to catch up. "So then I told him look at the moon and he was like-" I stopped horrified at what I saw that behind us were the same creepy motherfuckers sitting behind us. Me and the lead man just made eye contact for like 3 minutes straight, I knew deep down this wasn't going to end well.

    All of a sudden they got up and started walking towards are booth. "What's two cuties like you guys doing all alone" one of the men said. "Just leaving" I said getting up with Connie before one of the guys grabbed my arm "not so fast we just wanna talk" "I'm sorry we are not interested" I said pulling my arm as hard as I could but it was no use he wouldn't budge. "Sir let go of my arm please and we won't have any trouble" "I'm not letting go until you give me what I want" he said then I felt a hard slap on my ass. I kicked him in his balls then finally grabbed Connie and started running as fast as I could. "Dammit you little whore, go get them" the pervert said as the other two guys ran after us. Fortunately I bumped into a tall buff guy. "Please help us those guys are trying to fuck us please help us." I said grabbing onto his leather jacket. "Don't worry" the tall stranger said as he stepped in front of us.

"Yo give us back our babes" one of the guys said grabbing my arm again pulling me hard. "Let go of me you pervert" I said grabbing my arm and pulling it desperately trying to get my arm away from him. "Come on baby don't be like that I just want a good time". Then the guy that slapped my ass walked out from behind the guy that was pulling my arm. "You damn slut. Who do you think you are kicking me in the balls" " please" I said grabbing onto the guy with the leather jacket "please don't leave me alone" I pleaded. "If you don't let him go right know I will knock you out, out you into my trunk , kill you, then dismember your body all over Los Angeles, how does that sound?" The tall man asked. Without hesitation they all let me go and started running the other way. "Thank you so much" I said as tears ran down my eyes " what's your name?" He asked "Ash, Ash smith" I said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it "pleasure to meet you Ash Smith, my name is Nicholas, Nicholas Brighton." "Can I have your number" I said. Why would I say that we just me why would he even give me his number. "Okay" as he grabbed my phone and put his number in it with the name 'nicholas' on it "text me  cutie" he said before walking away leaving me dumbfounded.

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