chapter 33: sick

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Narrator pov:

Back home

When Nicholas and Ash got back home Ash immediately got sick. "Shit" Ash mumbled leaning over the toilet "oh fuck um I'm going to go call Carrie" Nicholas said. "Hey Nicholas what's up why are you calling me so late?" Carrie asked half asleep, "Ash is sick like really sick can you just come over please?" "Yeah give me five minutes".

"Where here where's Ash?" Carrie asked "he's laying down" Nicholas said guiding them to the room he was in. "Hey Ash how are you feeling?" Carrie asked "I feel like shit" Ash said. "So I need everyone to leave the room so I can ask him some questions okay" Carrie said "can Nikki stay?" Ash asked "of course". "So did anything happen today or yesterday?" She asked "visited my dad but I don't wanna talk about it" Ash said as tears forming in his eyes.

30 minutes later

"So you just have a virus, nothing to be worried about" Carrie said "Nicholas will take care of you" she said before leaving. "Nikki come lay down with me" Ash said patting the area beside him, "okay babe" Nicholas said laying beside him.  "Can we watch a movie?" Ash asked "yeah what do you wanna watch?" "Tangled" Ash said as he cuddled into Nicholas's chest.

Once Ash was asleep Nicholas decided to order dinner for them, "Nikki what are you doing" Ash asked walking down the stairs. "I'm ordered food I'm waiting for it to get here, anyway how are you feeling?" Nicholas asked "I'm honestly feeling better" Ash said leaning against the counter. "That's good to hear" Nicholas said walking towards Ash before pulling him into a gentle kiss. "I love you" Ash said "I love you too" Nicholas said kissing Ashes nose before they heard the door open. "Hey Ash how are you feeling" Connie asked holding Jax "I'm feeling better" Ash said "that's good to hear, I'll be back I gotta go put Jax to bed" Connie said.

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