chapter 19: admitting

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Narrator pov:

As everyone started getting ready Nicholas knew he had to tell Ash that he was in the Mafia so when Ash was alone Nicholas pulled him aside. "Baby I have something to tell you" Nicholas said "what is it?" Ash said looking a Nicholas. "You know how I have a lot of money and stuff..." "Yeah what about it" Ash said. "Well I'm a Mafia boss" Nicholas said for the first time in a while Nicholas was scared. "I know I had a feeling" Ash said calmly "what?" Nicholas asked "your not made at me and wanna break up?" "Why would I as long as you don't do anything stupid I won't be made" Ash said as he walked away to go get dressed.

Ash and Connie decided to wear matching outfits they always wore each other's clothes and felt comfortable enough to change in front of each other. "So Ash have you had and Nicholas fucked yet?" Connie said as she did her hair. "Who the fuck starts off a conversation like that I said" "just awnser the question" Connie said. "No we haven't yet" "do you want to?" "Yeah I guess" Ash said embarrassed about the conversation that was happening. "Okay so when you get home tonight where something appealing like the outfit I got you" Connie said. "But what if I'm not good at it" Ash said "you'll be fine" Connie said. "Let's go the boys are waiting on us" Connie said as she finished her hair.

Sorry again for the short chapter

Here is what Connie and Ash are wearing

Here is what Connie and Ash are wearing

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