chapter 25: Jenny

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Nicholas pov:

Ash said he wanted to go see the foxes so when we were finished seeing the meerkats we went to see the foxes. "Nikki look a gift shop" Ash said pointing towards a building "let's go check it out" I said. When we walked in there were several animal plushies everywhere. "Nikki I found fox plushies" Ash said gently pulling my arm. "Can we get them?" Ash asked "of course honey" "yay! thank you baby" Ash said as he kissed me.

"Awwww that was so cute" the lady behind the front desk said "I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation but you guys are adorable" she said. "Thank you" Ash said "so I don't mean to be noisy but are you guys dating?" She asked "yup" "for how long?" "A couple weeks actually" he said. "You guys seem so happy I wish my boyfriend was like that he a dick and won't let me break up with him" she said

"Oh hell no that's not okay girl that's not okay what's your name?" Ash asked as we went to check out. "Jenny" she said "well I'm Ash and this is my boyfriend Nicholas" Ash said "girl give me your number and his I'll tell you how to break up with him" he said. "You would do that but we just met" Jenny said "oh course girl that's what friends do" Ash said getting out his phone from his phone. "Okay I've never had a friend before" she said "well consider us your first friends" I said.

"Bye Jenny text me when you get home" Ash said as we walked back to Connie and Jason. "Where have you two been?" Connie asked "we went to a gift shop and got fox plushies" Ash said showing her the plushies. "Those are so cute" she said "we also made a new friend". "Let's go before it gets to dark."


I don't know what to do with this chapter I'm sorry

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