chapter 24: double date

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Ashes outfit above

Ashes pov:

Nicholas said that we could go home and change for the date. I decided to to wear something casual. "Nikki where are we going for are date" I asked "first thing we are going to meet them at a Nicholas restaurant, then we are going to a zoo, and the last place we're going to is a surprise" Nicholas said. "Oh and I'm driving" Nicholas said grabbing his keys of the couch. "Let's go before we're late" I said "okay babe".

Narrator pov:

When Ash and Nicholas arrived at the restaurant Nicholas noticed Ash was asleep so he gently woke him up. "Honey were here" Nicholas said "did I fall asleep?" Ash asked "yes we're here though". "Oh then let's go" "okay" they said waking inside the restaurant. "Over here!" Connie said raising her hand up high "Connie!" Ash said leaving Nicholas and running to the table  that Connie and Jason were sitting at. "So when were you two a thing?" Ash asked "since yesterday actually he asked out and we hit it off" Connie said. "Wow congratulations" "so how have you guys been" Connie asked "we've been good Nicholas took me shopping today and the aquarium it was so fun" Ash said until he felt two arms around his waist. He immediately new it was Nicholas by the way his cologne smelled "hi my love" Ash said "hi Baby" Nicholas said kissing Ashes cheek. "Once again the power couple grows" Jason said laughing "I know right" Connie said as  she grabbed her plate and went to the buffet.

After they where done eating they got there stuff and left to the zoo.  "I didn't know there was a zoo near here" Connie said "I didn't ether how'd you guys find this place?" Ash asked. "We've lived here for awhile now actually" Jason said "oh that makes sense" Connie said. "Okay we are here" Nicholas said "wow that was quick" Ash said "well it wasn't that far from the restaurant" Nicholas said while ruffling Ashes hair. "Nikki stop you messing up my hair" Ash said laughing.

"Wow look at all the animals you guys" Ash said holding Nicholas's hand. "which animal do you guys wanna see first" Ash asked "I wanna go see the meerkats" Connie said. "I wanna go see the foxes" Ash said "but we can go see the meerkats first"

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