Chapter 26: vacation

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There will be hella time skips

Narrator pov:

When Nicholas and Ash arrived home they saw that there house was a disaster. "What the hell happened!" Ash yelled looking around "I don't know but we can't sleep here go pack" Nicholas said grabbing two suitcases.

"Hey me and Ash are going on vacation wanna come" Nicholas said on the phone talking to Connie and Jason "yeah when are you guys going" Jason said. "Like right now" "oh okay give me 30 minutes" Jason said hanging up. "Baby did they get your clothes?" Nicholas asked "no they didn't get them I'll check if you have any" Ash said while opening Nicholas's closet.

30 minutes later

"Are you ready to go hun?" Ash said "yeah I invited Connie and Jason to come with us" "great" Ash said as he put his bags in the car. "Where are we going anyway?" Ash asked as he stepped into the passenger seat "I was thinking the Bahamas I have a house there" Nicholas said casually. "HOW MANY HOUSES DO YOU HAVE!" Ash yelled "a lot" Nicholas said laughing at Ash. "Anyways let's go pick up Jason and Connie" Nicholas said "okay then let's go"

30 more minutes later

"Hey you guys" Nicholas said "who's this little guy?" Nicholas asked pointing to the child that was in Connie's arms. "Jax!" Ash said "yeah so I couldn't get anyone to babysit him so can he come along?" Connie asked as she gave the small child to Ash. "Yeah of course but it's going to be a long was away" Nicholas said starting the car "I know thank you so much "

4 hours later

"Where here" Nicholas said pulling into a big house "wow this is amazing" Ash said grabbing his bags. "I'm so tried" Jason said holding Jax "same" Connie said "well let's get the bags and go to bed" Nicholas said to Jason "you guys can go to bed".

In the morning

When Nicholas woke up he noticed that Ash wasn't in the bed with him which was out of the ordinary so he got dressed and went looking for Ash. "Baby" Nicholas yelled "yes hun" Ash yelled back "where are you?" "In the kitchen making breakfast" Ash yelled. When Nicholas walked in the kitchen he hugged Ash from behind and put his chin on Ashes shoulder. "Good morning beautiful" Nicholas said "good morning" "what are you making" Nicholas asked "pancakes, eggs, and bacon". "How did I get so lucky with you?" Nicholas said "I don't know sometimes you get lucky" Ash said as Nicholas pulled Ash into a kiss.

"Well I see you guys are awake" Connie said holding Jax before Jason walked behind her "good morning babe" Jason said to Connie. "Good morning Jax" Jason said before Connie gave him Jax. "Girl what you making that shit smells good" Connie said walking over to Ash and Nicholas. "Breakfast now go sit down all of you" Ash said as he finished cooking and set the food on the table.

"I'm bored" Connie said as she helped Ash wash the dishes "I don't know, where'd Jason and Nicholas go?" Ash asked. "Jason said they had to go to a meeting and they'll be back in a while" Connie said as she finished the last dish "oh okay then what should we do now" "let's go shopping for a while" Connie said. "Okay but this time we're going to be careful unlike last time" Ash said "of course we will we always are" she said resulting in Ash giving her a 'be fucking for real' look. "Why are you looking at me like that" "no reason let's just go" Ash said.

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