chapter 4 : Nicholas

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Picture of Nicholas above

Ashes pov
"Damn he was hot" I said to Connie as we grabbed are bags and ran out of the mall. "I didn't think you would be into that kind of guy" "normally I'm not but he made me feel safe and warm and he was hot as hell" I told Connie and she just started laughing as she started turning on the car I also got into the car and then Connie drove me home.

"Bye Connie" I said waving at her. Before she drove off to her house. "Hey mom I'm back" I said as I walk to my room. I took a shower to clear my mind and started to think about everything that happened today man how crazy. When I was finished I was to tired to do my normal skincare I was just so tried. To do anything else but before I went to sleep I heard my phone chime that ment someone texted me. I looked at my phone and realized that Nicholas had texted me

Hey cutie
Hey hot stuff

Whatcha up to

Not much you?

Nothing but for
Some odd reason
I can stop thinking of

Oh yeah sorry
About today

You have no reason
To be sorry you
Did the right
Thing protecting
Your friend now
Get some sleep

Okay night
Good night
Wait before you
Go I have to ask
You a question

Ok what is it

Can we go on a date
Tomorrow if your
Not busy.

Okay sure
I'll send you
My address

Sorry about the short chapter but there will be more long ones so

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