48 19 35

WARNING: This chapter contains references to violent situations that may be unpleasant for some people.

Mia returned home, still disturbed by her last confrontation with Xena. She was surprised to find her father, Arthur at home.

"Hi, Dad. I didn't expect to see you here." Mia stated.

"I had to return to retrieve some documents for a house I wanted to show to some clients. And what is wrong with you? You don't look well," asked her father.

"I do not feel like talking right now, Dad. Where is mom?"

"She had to visit Artshel today to sign copies of her book, The Perfect Couple. Did you forget?" Arthur laughed.

Mia giggled back, amused.

"Mom told me yesterday, but I was thinking about my things and had forgotten."

"What is that little head thinking about... A boyfriend?"

"I am sure you have a lot of things to do, Dad. I am going upstairs to read."

"You're right. It is becoming late. We will discuss it later. Tell me about the boyfriend. Nobody should ever hurt my girl."

Mia laughed. Nobody could lift her spirits like her father. She quickly returned to her room after kissing him. 

She lay down on the bed and instantly remembered the diary she discovered in Forestvale Manor. She shifted the nightstand and took out Eliza's diary by pushing the device that exposed a concealed chamber beneath the nightstand.

She sat up in bed and opened the book. Then she started reading.

'Today I had an unexpected first encounter with Ryan's cult, The Shadow Cult. I arrived in the basement and immediately felt a strange vibe in the air. Some members seemed to adore Ryan, while others seemed scared of him. But there was no denying the natural dominance Ryan commanded with his strength and good looks. He was captivating, I couldn't take my eyes off him! I instantly knew I was totally in love with him.'

"The Shadow Cult, Ryan's cult? What exactly is this?" Mia is perplexed.

 'I don't know what to do. I feel helpless. On the one hand, I love Ryan and I trust him. That's why I joined the Shadow Cult in the first place. I want to help him in this pursuit of justice and a better world. But I'm also scared. I feel like something dark and sinister has been unleashed in his organization. Some practices are violent and obscene - practices that I do not relate to the man I love. And now he's demanding that I must even drink the blood of someone they have been torturing. I can feel my resolve crumbling. I cannot bear the thought of making a choice that could cost me, my lover. I only hope that whatever I choose is for the better of everyone involved.' 

"Eliza was forced to drink the blood of people tortured by the sect! This is quite disgusting." 

 'As I peered out the barred window of my bedroom, my heart broke for the millionth time. I had thought I'd found somewhere I belonged when I joined the Shadow Cult, but it was far too easy to fall in love with Ryan. I thought I'd found a way to be part of something greater than myself, but it had all been a lie.

Of course, I would never have stayed if I had known what life with Ryan would be like. I had been seduced by his charm and his vision of the future, but it had all turned sour so quickly. I had been enchanted by the idea of this group of shadow warriors, but by the time I realized all of our deeds weren't the heroic ones I had imagined, I had already given Ryan my heart.
The hardest part, however, was when I chose to leave - only to be greeted with a locked bedroom door, holding me prisoner and making me fearful of losing Ryan's love. I had been willing to risk my life for this cult of him, and there I was, unable to escape his grasp. My love for him had turned into fear and resignation. All I wanted to do was to get away, but there was nowhere to go and the door wouldn't budge.'

Mia wiped her eyes as she put the diary away for a few moments. Eliza's tale is both heartbreaking and incredible. She eventually returned to reading.

'Today I can hardly believe it! Ryan, my beloved, has finally given his blessing for a painter to come to paint a picture of me. He even chose the right artist, who he trusts. Michael, the painter, seemed to be a reserved but kind man. He understands the importance and beauty of the relationship between a painter and his model, and I feel he will surely not disappoint. This moment is so special; I'm overwhelmed by the change in attitude of my beloved. I just hope it is not a one-time event, but that he will continue to be as generous and supportive in other areas as well. The walls at Forestvale Manor whisper to me and for the first time, I feel encouraged by their stories of freedom and a chance to love once more.'

"Michael, I hope you bring some joy to Eliza..." Mia reflected.

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