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Felix was inside the Forestvale Manor attic. He was reading some things Rowena had given him to help him get ready for the battle.
Suddenly, the dimensional portal opened. Felix jumped up, ready to face whoever appeared. However, he was taken aback when he saw the figure in front of him. Terra.

"Terra, please explain to me what you're doing here. How did you get inside?

Terra smirked in response to the barrage of questions, conveying her nonchalant attitude.

"I am tired of waiting for you, honey. As for how I got in, you left a document with the procedure for opening the portal, and all I had to do was follow the instructions to go here... to this dirty place."

"I told you everything that happens here and how dangerous it is."

"I appreciate that you care about me, but I wanted to be with you wherever you are."

Terra approached Felix and kissed the tip of his nose. Felix could only smile at Terra's trademark behaviour.

"Okay, stay. But be cautious."

Later, there was a conference to plan for the war. Mia, Xena, and Rowena all arrived at Forestvale Manor at the same time. When they entered the attic, they discovered Felix in unexpected company.

Rowena inquired:

"Good day, Felix, and great friend. Could you please inform us who the young lady is?"

Felix reacted.

"This is Terra, my girlfriend."

Terra stated:

"It's nice to meet you."

"Terra arrived without my knowledge. She attempted to catch me off guard."

"I was bored and missed my guy greatly. There is no need to lie, Felix. There's no question that you've poisoned yourself severely in this location."

Felix blushed and explained:

"No one cares about our personal affairs, Terra."

Meanwhile, Xena kept a watchful eye on Mia to gauge her reaction to Felix's girlfriend. Xena felt relieved when she noticed that Mia appeared unfazed by the situation.

Mia said:

"Greetings, Terra. My name is Mia, and this is my girlfriend, Xena."

Xena was happy and proud of Mia. And she informed Terra:

FORESTVALE MANORWhere stories live. Discover now