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Felix left the clinic in despair. On the one hand, knowing more about himself was a good thing, yet the incredible reality of his life was overwhelming.

Felix had not anticipated such memories resurfacing during his therapy session, but now that they have, he was overwhelmed. He remembered Forestvale Manor in all its splendor, from the cascading gardens trimmed to perfection to the spotless whiteness of its walls and ceilings. It was the closest he could come to feeling at home.

But it was the love Felix felt for Terra that he remembered most. Their love was what completed that flawless dimension. The sweet times between them made all of his efforts to keep his life in immaculate condition feel like a necessary effort; the work was worth the reward.

Despite their hard hand of guidance, Felix was reminded of his home by the tenderness of his adoptive parents. Their unending devotion to Felix had provided him with a sense of security that he could not find elsewhere.

He also recalled his challenges at medical school. It was where he needed to return. He knew Mia was now a part of his life, but he also knew it was not a realistic goal. He had to leave her behind to reclaim his role in his life, and it is a bittersweet understanding that he must part ways with her to reclaim what he recalled from his past.

When he went out into the street, Arthur approached him and said:

"Please pardon me. Are you Felix?"

"Yes, do you know who I am?"

"My name is Arthur Richardson, and I'm Mia's father. What is your relationship with my daughter?"

Felix was confused about the situation unfolding before him. Mia's father stood in front of him, prepared to confront him about his relationship with Mia.

"Don't worry, sir; Mia and I are only friends."

Arthur was full of rage.

"Just friends? I noticed you kissing on the lips."

Amber went out into the street and saw Arthur speaking with Felix, causing her to stop in her tracks.

Despite the passage of time, Arthur immediately recognized Amber when he saw her, triggering memories of their shared past.

Felix took advantage of the commotion, leaving without saying anything else.

Amber began to relive the worst experience of her life with Arthur by her side.

Amber was walking across the university parking lot one night when she felt a sharp pressure on her neck. She stretched out automatically, feeling a chilly cloth against her mouth. Following that, everything went dark.

Amber awoke to find herself in a large, musty basement. She was nude, bound, and powerless, but she stayed conscious. The Shadow Cult had drugged and brought Amber there, and they had chosen her for her intelligence.

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