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Mia visited Ryan daily. However, one day, she told him:

"Classes start tomorrow. Today I need to travel to Artshel."

Ryan's eyes widened in surprise, and his brows furrowed in concern as he gazed at Mia.

"Mia, do not leave. Your presence brings light into my life. I have never felt more alive. I'd even say I feel like a 'good' person. I want you to stay with me." Ryan begged as he held Mia's hand in his.

Tears welled up in Mia's eyes as she smiled sadly, touched by Ryan's words.

"I cannot. I need to go on with my life. Everyone condemns me for visiting you. Nobody understands how much misery you are experiencing. However, I do. And I also know that, despite everything you've done wrong, you may be able to redeem yourself."

"I don't want to redeem myself; I just be with you," Ryan interrupted, his eyes pleading.

 Mia gently squeezed his hand before pulling away.

"Do not say more. I need to leave. Ryan, take care of yourself."

As the door shut, Ryan exclaimed:

"I need you, Mia, and I'll have you with me."

Mia's heart ached as she walked away, knowing that she had to stay strong and keep her distance for both of their sakes.

When Mia arrived home, Xena was waiting for her. Mia was excited to see her girlfriend and tried to kiss her, but she refused.

"Mia, we need to talk."

"What exactly happens?"

"I no longer wish to be your girlfriend. I am going to leave you."

Mia was surprised by Xena's unexpected words. She felt a weight on her chest and thought she was about to pass out. Mia's mind raced as she tried to process Xena's sudden decision.

"What are you saying, Xena? Why?"

"You're asking why? Mia, it's clear you prefer Ryan, a man who, while being your father's age, is a fucking nasty bastard."

Mia's heart sank as she realized the depth of Xena's hurt and anger. She knew she had to explain herself, but the words caught in her throat as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Xena, you don't get anything... I just sympathise with him. We both went through difficult times."

"It appears that this man is accustomed to it and more. He is the Shadow Cult's leader, torturer, and murderer. Do I need to remind you, Mia? You were inside his head."

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