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A month passed. Mia and Xena were on their way to Artshel to study psychology at the university. As Mia bid farewell to her parents and carefully packed her belongings, a bittersweet feeling enveloped her, signalling the start of a new chapter in her life. 

As Mia was leaving her home, two people approached from behind and inserted a syringe into her neck, knocking her out. Subsequently, they forcefully transported Mia to Ryan's house, where they confined her in the dark, foreboding basement.

Xena's agitated steps echoed in the bustling airport as her heart raced with anxiety and fear, each passing minute amplifying her concern for Mia and transforming her worry into a frantic quest for elusive answers. After multiple unsuccessful attempts to reach Mia, Xena decided to contact Rowena for help.

"Hello, I'm Xena. I'm concerned about Mia."

"Why?" asked Rowena.

"Because she has not arrived at the airport and is not responding to my phone calls or texts. Rowena, please go to her place to find out."

"Your worry is justified. I'll investigate immediately," Rowena reassured Xena with a determined glint in her eyes, ready to unravel the mystery.

As Mia stirred awake, her surroundings blurry and unfamiliar, she found Ryan seated beside her, his presence a jarring contrast to her groggy confusion.

"But... What am I doing here?"

Mia tried to sit up, but her disorientation forced her to lie back down on the mattress.

"Mia, I wanted to talk to you," said Ryan.

"Do you not know how to call or come to my house to see me like normal people?" asked Mia.

"You know I don't have your phone number, and I wouldn't be welcome at your house."

"What do you expect from me?" Mia's tone shifted, firm and resolute, as she faced Ryan with unwavering determination in her eyes.

"I'm furious with you, Mia. You didn't keep your word. You promised to give birth to the Heir of Darkness alongside me."

Mia summoned her courage and sat up beside Ryan. 

"I didn't because I decided to become a part of the Light." 

Ryan roared in anger.

 "You didn't comply because that damn Felix arrived." 

"This has nothing to do with Felix. It was a personal decision."

Ryan started to shake with frustration.

"You don't understand it. I crave power. I need power. Without it, nothing makes sense." Ryan's voice trembled with raw intensity, his words revealing the depths of his inner turmoil and relentless pursuit of control.

Ryan, desperate, placed a ceremonial dagger around his neck. Mia jumped up as swiftly as she could and hurried over to Ryan, grabbing his arm and preventing him from slicing his throat.

"Ryan, please don't. Your life is precious, and it's not too late to choose a different path. Despite the darkness you've faced, there is light and goodness in the world. You have the power to change and find peace within yourself. Let's walk the path of healing together, and we can all emerge victorious."

"Love is pointless. It only serves to worsen the discomfort. And I still love like a fool, first with Eliza and now with..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a shot was fired, interrupting him. Mia looked down at her arm and witnessed her bloodstream drain before losing consciousness. Ryan enveloped her in a tight embrace, his expression a mix of disbelief and dread. He placed her on the floor and folded the sheet that covered the mattress, pressing it over her wound to stop the bleeding. Then he called for an ambulance.

Upon finding Mia's abandoned suitcase at home, Rowena's suspicions were aroused, leading her straight to Ryan's residence, convinced of his possible connection to Mia's disappearance. When she showed that scenario, she said:

"What on earth have you done to Mia, Ryan?"

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