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Mia sat alone in the cosy living room of her grandmother's house in London. She tried unsuccessfully to write a fascinating story on Wattpad. The doorbell rang. Mia went to unlock it, figuring her grandmother had left her keys inside. When she opened the door, she was greeted by Xena.


"Mia, can I come in?"

"Of course."

Mia led Xena into the warm and inviting living room, furnished with comfortable sofas, a low wooden table, and a small, slightly outdated television. Xena noticed that it was a relaxing environment, complete with comfortable sofas, a low wooden table, and a small, slightly outdated television. Mia had her laptop on one of the couches. Xena couldn't take the stillness anymore and said:

"Mia, if you wanted a dick, you could tell me, and I'd buy a dildo."

Mia was taken aback by Xena's words and responded:

"Why are you saying such rubbish, Xena? You have read the letter, so..."

"I read the letter, but the cave magic excuse isn't valid. Mia, you and Ryan had sex because you both wanted to. The magic is only effective if both people have feelings for each other before entering the cave."

Mia felt overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, rendering her speechless.

"And now you are pregnant! Why haven't you informed me? I found out via a stinking letter! Damn!"

Xena started to cry. She did not want to, but she couldn't stop herself.

"I lacked courage. I did not want you to suffer. I am sincerely sorry. I'm drowning in guilt." Mia explained.

Xena wiped the tears away.

"I'm sunk and broken. Would you like to know what upsets me the most? I think you have feelings for him."

"Do not say that, Xena. I love you."

"I am not sure. It beats me. Mia, I love you and will always love you, but there is no getting out of this. Don't you know you're going to give birth to my sibling?"

Mia asked:

"Is Ryan your father now? You always say he isn't your father and never will be."

Xena exclaimed wearily, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

"You've already come to his defence. You did the same thing to Felix. And you were madly in love with him. You have never defended me like this before."

Mia became outraged.

"And here you are, with your fucking jealousy. I love you, but you don't trust me."

"How the hell am I going to trust you if you cheated on me with my father?" screamed Xena.

Mia stood up. She was dizzy.

"Think about it, Mia. Clarify your emotions. I am going to continue my life and education at Artshel. Goodbye."

Xena approached the front entryway. Mia was ripped apart by pain. Xena suddenly turned around and whispered sweetly:

"Please, Mia, take good care of yourself."

With a heavy heart, she walked away, leaving Mia behind in a whirlwind of emotions. Mia was inconsolable, crying. Her grandmother consoled her, wrapping her in a warm embrace, and then gently handed her a steaming cup of tea along with a plate of freshly baked pastries.

The next day, Xena found herself at Artshel, seated in her university room, surrounded by textbooks and notes. Her phone started ringing. It was Melissa.

"Hello, Melissa."

"Good day, Xena. My mother called. I know you spoke with Mia yesterday."

"I don't want to discuss it, Melissa. Okay?"

"I did not call you to address that matter. I want you to understand that you can always rely on me."

Xena grinned.

"Thank you, Melissa; I appreciate it."

"This situation is complicated, but I've known you since you were a child, and I'm not going to abandon you."

"Do not be concerned. I am going to be okay. But if I need something, I'll let you know."

Melissa paid an unexpected visit to Ryan, catching him off guard with her sudden appearance.

"Why do you come to see me, Melissa?"

"You get my daughter pregnant, make her break up with Xena, and you still think we don't have anything to talk about?"

"I'm sorry. Things become out of control. I am going to look after the child."

"Of course," she replied. "I expected nothing less. I know your feelings concerning my daughter. Forget it! I won't let you hurt her."

"Melissa, I..."

"Accept your feelings and tell me."

"Okay, I love Mia. But I understand that this is an impossible love. I want her to be happy with Xena."

Melissa stated:

"I see that you understand. I hope you'll comply. I'm sure you'll be in touch because of the child's situation. However, this will just be for the child. Don't confuse my daughter anymore. Please."

Melissa was relieved to get out of the jail building. She adored her child and simply wanted the best for her.

Mia started writing a story on Wattpad. The story of a girl who travels between dimensions, falls in love, suffers, and then falls in love again and suffers more. Because love hurts.

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