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When Rogers and Brady arrived at Forestvale Manor, they encountered three very different women. Mia appeared visibly upset, Xena exuded a sense of tranquillity, and Amber trembled while maintaining a defiant stance.

Rogers found it odd that Mia Richardson, who had been absent for months, was suddenly back on the scene and in the company of Ryan Dagon.

Mia's presence stunned Theolinda as well. Could she and Ryan really be in a relationship, as Rogers suspected? She wasn't certain. Despite the tense situation, Xena maintained an air of tranquillity. Was it possible that she was nervous but was brilliantly masking it? And what was Amber Skaff's connection to all of this? There are far too many unresolved questions.

Rogers told the cops who were accompanying them:

"Hold Amber Skaff while Brady and I go inside with the forensics."

Amber stated:

"I'm not fleeing, Detective. But you can put me in handcuffs."

Rogers and Brady walked into the mansion. Brady scrutinized every corner, alert for any anomalies or clues that might unravel the mystery. She expected the house to be in worse shape, but Ryan had lived in it for months and had patched it up. Brady admired the house that reminded her of her childhood home, the Brady Mansion.

Mia and Xena maintained a tense silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they anxiously awaited the return of the police officers. Xena was watching Mia out of the corner of her eye and was taken aback by her reaction. Jealousy returned, but Xena had to keep it hidden. She took her smartphone and began typing. Mia pondered who she would write to. They were right next to one another at the time, but they appeared to be separated by thousands of kilometers.

They were startled to hear the door open. Rogers was accompanied by Brady, and behind them was an unhurt Ryan.

The three women couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Rogers stated:

"The arrest is for attempted murder, not murder, as Miss Skaff stated."

Mia asked:

"Ryan, are you okay?"

Ryan smiled and gently took Mia's hand in his.

"I'm all right. I wore a bulletproof vest."

Mia, Xena, and Amber were well aware that this was not the case. Xena also noted that Ryan had changed his shirt. But they were all deafeningly quiet.

"We need to leave immediately," Rogers announced. "Make yourself available and don't leave the city. We'll contact you shortly to make a statement."

"Ryan, can you tell me what happened during the incident?" Mia inquired quietly. "Who healed you?"

Ryan caressed Mia's cheek.

"I'll explain later. I swear."

Mia went to speak with Xena, but she departed without saying anything.

While at the police station, Rogers and Brady began discussing the peculiar case they were investigating.

Rogers said:

"Brady, why is it that everything about these people is weird? Something happens in town, and Ryan Dagon and Mia Richardson are present. They were always together. And now there's Mia's strange girlfriend and Amber Skaff, the psychologist."

Brady responded:

"I admit, it's unusual. Something else is lurking behind everything. But what exactly is it?"

Brady decided to conduct her investigation. Brady was drawn to the enigmatic aura surrounding Ryan Dagon, finding him to be the most intriguing and mysterious figure in the unfolding events. 

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