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The world came to a halt in the visiting room as Ryan received surprising news from Mia. Ryan could only think of Mia's words:

"We're going to have a baby."

Ryan's heart swelled with a mix of overwhelming joy and disbelief at Mia's unexpected announcement. It was an unfamiliar situation for him. He was expecting a child with Mia. Of course, he hadn't thought yet about the Heir of Darkness nonsense anymore. That was a portion of his past that he did not want to remember. This child would be happy and cherished by their parents.


"The child is yours, of course."

Ryan felt a surge of emotion as he looked into Mia's eyes, filled with love and excitement. He said, taking Mia's hands in his:

"There's no doubt about that, Mia. You've left me astonished. How are you? What will we do?"

"I'm having the baby. I did not come to ask for anything from you. I am going to look after the kid."

"Of course not," he explained. "I'm going to cover all of your expenses."

"There's no need."

Ryan caressed Mia's hands.

"I want to be there for you and our child," he said softly. Mia smiled, feeling grateful for Ryan's support. "I do not want it to be as it was with Xena. I understand that I am not the best father. I'm in prison for the rest of my life, but I'll never stop loving my child. Mia, I love our child right now."

Mia's eyes filled up with tears. She knew Ryan's love for their child was genuine, despite his past mistakes.

"Thank you for your help. I love the baby; nevertheless, I am afraid."

Ryan wiped away Mia's tears and held her close. 

"We'll face this together, I promise," he whispered.

"I've got to tell you something more, Ryan."

Ryan focused his sight on Mia. Mia averted his sight.

"I am leaving for London tomorrow. I'll be studying there next academic year."

"But when did you make the decision? When are you going to speak to Xena?" Ryan asked, astonished.

"I made the decision a few days ago. I cannot stay here any longer. I am a fucking coward." Mia spoke through tears.

Ryan gently gripped Mia's chin.

"You're a strong woman. You aren't terrified of me." Ryan teased.

Mia let out a small, bittersweet laugh through her tears, a mix of sorrow and fleeting joy. With a soft voice, she whispered:

"I'll miss you, Ryan." Ryan hugged her, knowing that their bond would endure the distance.

"I'm leaving without telling Xena, Ryan."

"I do not understand."

"Aside from being a coward, I'm pitiful; I'm going to leave a note for Xena in which I'll explain everything. I can't bear seeing her anguished and disappointed gaze when she understands what has transpired."

"Please reconsider, Mia. It's essential to speak to her in person. Try to save your relationship."

"I cannot. I do not deserve it. I am going to spend time with my maternal grandmother. She already knows everything and looks forward to my arrival. Do not worry; I will get back to you. My mother will keep you updated, and when I give birth, you will be notified. I'll see you as soon as possible to show you the baby."

Ryan replied with a smile.

"Thank you, Mia, but you should speak with Xena."

"I am afraid I can't, Ryan. Please take proper care of yourself."

"I will wait for your return," Ryan said. "Take care of yourself too, Mia."

That night, Mia composed the most difficult letter of her life. Mia poured her conflicted emotions onto the paper with every word written, the weight of her decisions pressing on her heart. After she finished, she said:

"I apologize, Xena. I love you, but it looks like this love is insufficient for settling the chaos in my life right now."

She rubbed her tummy and muttered:

"From now on, I promise to prioritize you and my studies, baby. You are my light in the darkness, my reason to strive for a better tomorrow. I promise to shield you with all the love and protection in my being. Trust me."

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