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A few days later, Xena went to see Ryan.

"Hello, Xena."

"Skip the formalities. Fucking bastard, you finally fucked Mia." Xena's voice was filled with anger and hurt as she confronted Ryan.

"Xena, we were the victims of a set trap."

"Do not apologise. The cave justification is absurd. I am well-versed in the balance dimension. I went there a few times. I read thousands of stories about their places of power and customs. During the wedding night, that cave was utilized to determine the couple's compatibility."

"What do you mean?" Ryan enquired.

"The cave's aphrodisiac effects only manifest between individuals who have shared mutual sexual attraction. I knew you wanted Mia, but what pains and destroys my heart is that Mia has feelings for you, son of a bitch."

Ryan took a deep breath, absorbing Xena's words. He later added:

"Xena, Mia loves you. You can be certain."

"I am not sure. Did you like fucking her?" asked Xena.

"Xena, I didn't fuck with Mia."

Xena, broken by pain, said:

"Are you going to tell me now that you made love to her?"

Ryan reacted angrily to Xena's accusation.

"I am in love with Mia. I am madly in love with her. Are you happy right now?"

Ryan's words hit Xena like a ton of bricks, leaving her speechless.

"And you say it calmly? Bastard..." Xena whispered under her breath.

Ryan tiredly said:

"Xena, find Mia. Speak to her."

"I don't know where she is. She left and told me everything in a stupid letter."

"I know. She informed me, and I told her that she was not doing the proper thing," said Ryan.

"Of course, she told you where she was going... Because I know you made her pregnant as well. You're fast, aren't you? In one night, you also made my mother pregnant."

Ryan decided to ignore Xena's comment. He told Xena:

"She's in London and residing with her maternal grandmother. If you're not sure where the residence is, ask Melissa."

Silently, Xena turned and walked away, her heart heavy with unresolved emotions.

That evening, Xena arrived at Glouminster and made her way home. She began to collect multiple gasoline cans and load them into her mother's car. Once everything was set, she drove to the area near Forestvale Manor. Despite the darkness, she saw no one in sight. With a resolute gaze, she strode into the garden and methodically doused the house with gasoline, saturating every wall, window, and surface within reach. Then Xena struck a match with a smile and said:

"Fuck you, Forestvale Manor. Mia and I should never have come here. Burn, damn house."

The flames began to spread once Xena struck the match. The warm glow from the fire illuminated her face as she watched the flames consume the once imposing structure. Walking away from the inferno, a wave of liberation engulfed her being, freeing her from the burdens of the past. It was cathartic to watch all her memories of that place turn to ash. As she drove away into the night, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders, knowing that she had finally avenged the pain it had caused her and Mia.

Anxious neighbors rushed out of their homes, alarmed by the spreading flames, and frantically called the fire department for assistance.

Forestvale Manor Consciousness stated:

"I will be back..."

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