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Rogers obtained a court order that allowed him to search the grounds of Forestvale Manor. When he arrived at the house, he received no response. He then visited Dagon Enterprises' offices, where Ryan's secretary, a mature lady, informed him that Ryan had taken a personal business trip and would be gone for a few days. Rogers decided to return to the mansion and conduct the search, as the court order permitted him to do so regardless of the owner's presence or authorization. Upon Rogers' return with the coroners, they entered the gardens and began digging.

Mia and Ryan left the tunnel and emerged into daylight, leaving the cave's influence behind. Mia was aware of what had happened, and remorse beat into her chest. She had been unfaithful. She cheated on Xena in the most horrible way possible. Her eyes were welling up with tears.

Ryan's fantasy had come true, something he had never imagined, but the magnitude of the events made him feel terrible. This was a new experience for Ryan. He had done whatever he wanted when he wanted for many years with no remorse, but now everything was different. He had sex with his daughter's girlfriend. Ryan realized the same thing was happening to Mia. She was in pain, something he didn't desire.

Ryan said firmly:

"We have to forget what occurred, Mia. It's the finest choice for everyone." But deep down, he knew the damage was irreversible.

Mia wept as she looked up at Ryan's attractive face. The taste of him lingered on her lips, a bitter reminder of their forbidden encounter. She couldn't erase the memory of their intimacy, no matter how hard she tried.

"How are we going to do this? Will we give ourselves injections, as you used to in the Cult, to make people forget what happened? However, they proved useless because everyone remembered," said Mia.

Mia couldn't think clearly. She saw visions of herself moving over Ryan's body and of him inside her in positions she never believed possible. Her heart raced as she tried to push the images out of her mind, but they continued to haunt her. The gravity of their actions loomed between them, overwhelming her with a mix of guilt and desire. She knew that what they had done was wrong, but she couldn't deny the undeniable connection she felt with Ryan. The thought of erasing their memories seemed impossible now, as the intensity of their encounter had left an indelible mark on her soul. What transpired between them in that damn cave?

Ryan explained:

"I am speaking metaphorically, Mia. This is a trap, I am certain. This cave holds an enchantment that induces individuals to fuck. The person who told us about the cave must be knowledgeable."

"But that man has never met us."

"It was Terra. She's here. This kind of twisted joke is hers."

Mia reflected thoughtfully.

"But what will Terra benefit from our sexual encounter? Nothing makes sense to me."

"She wants to hurt us and distract us so we don't find her, but we'll catch her."

"Ryan, hurry up. Let's not waste any more time."

After an hour, Rogers' team located a body. The clothing showed that it belonged to a woman. Another body, that of a man, emerged in a state of decay. Rogers felt awful for these people, but he was satisfied. Ryan may be arrested as soon as he come back.

Mia and Ryan both found the man in the same area. Ryan grabbed at the man's clothes and shook him.

"Tell us who paid you."

Mia pulled Ryan away, saying:

"We need to handle this the right way. Let's not make things worse."

The man's eyes widened in fear as he hesitated before finally speaking:

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Ryan reacted, jolting him further.

"Son of a bitch, tell me, or I'll kill you right here."

Mia stepped in between them, firmly stating:

"Violence won't solve anything. Speak up, and we'll give you ten gold coins."

The man stated:

"I will speak, but please let me go."

Ryan let go of him and looked admiringly at Mia. Mia smiled back at Ryan, silently acknowledging his restraint.

"Let's hear what he has to say," she said calmly, as the man began to share his side of the story.

"A girl offered me three coins to show you the place. I don't know anymore."

Mia inquired:

"What was the girl like?"

With passionate eyes, he described her:

"Young, pretty, straight brown hair, hazel eyes."

Mia stated:

"This is Terra. Give him ten coins."

Ryan handed over the ten gold coins to the man, who gratefully accepted them and quickly left. Mia and Ryan watched as the man disappeared into the bustling crowd of the marketplace. Ryan smiled inside. Mia's extraordinary power over him continued to surprise and amaze him.

Mia said:

"We need to be close to her. Let's go."

As they approached a fairy selling nearby, she offered valuable guidance, directing them to an old-fashioned inn. They thanked the fairy and headed to the inn.

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