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Mia and Ryan checked into the inn. Ryan explained to Mia:

"I'm going to ask some questions at reception."

"Okay," Mia said.

The ancient inn gave off an air of neglect with its faded exterior and crumbling structure. It was clear that the inn had seen better days.

Ryan engaged in a brief conversation with the receptionist, a gnome perched atop a precarious stack of ancient tomes, to reach the counter.

"Indeed, Terra is in this inn, and she is currently in her room," Ryan replied.

"How fast did you get the information!"

"I paid him 10 coins."

"Okay. Let us go upstairs!"

Ryan laughed. He appreciated Mia's drive. He nodded, and they climbed the unsteady stairs to the first floor.

Ryan explained upon their arrival at their room.

"I intend to use my new invisibility power to knock on Terra's door so that when she opens it, I can catch her off guard."

"Good idea. Do it."

Ryan vanished and went up to Terra's door, knocking loudly. Terra was resting in her bed when she heard a knock at the door. She stood up and opened the door, saying,

"Who the hell is calling?"

Terra did not see anyone, but Ryan appeared in front of her.

"Fuck, Ryan, what a scare you gave me," Terra said, before smiling as Mia approached. "Wow, so you're going on a romantic trip with Mia, huh?"

Ryan grabbed Terra's arm and led her into the room.

Mia demanded aggressively from Terra:

"Why did you do this to us?"

Terra burst into laughter.

"I intended to harm you, and the Cave of the Ancestors was the perfect location. This is where local newlyweds spend their wedding night. They want couples to be horny. Exactly like you... Although I don't think you need magic to get horny, hahahaha."

Mia yelled.

"Be quiet!"

Terra was thrown into the air, Mia's newfound strength increasing tenfold. Terra slammed into the inn's weak wall, driving her head through a hole in it.

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