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Mia and Ryan arrived at Forestvale Manor. What she found was not the decaying mansion she had expected, but something altogether different.

She was surprised and astonished as she entered Forestvale Manor's majestic entrance. The once dark and untidy doorway had been transformed into a setting reminiscent of the Victorian period. The entire hall was gorgeous, from the exquisite ivory and gold mouldings that trickled down the walls to the grand stairs with the dark-stained bannisters.

To Mia's right hung an immense masterwork of the famous Glouminsterian painter Neil Gregory's 'Hypnotic Desire' protected by a glass case to keep dust and vandalism at bay. A delicate porcelain vase filled with fresh lavender sprigs exuded a calming fragrance, enveloping the air with its soothing aroma. She could see a gorgeous parlour room further in with leather-clad furniture, including a pale blue couch and two antique armchairs. One of the walls was lined with a large windowsill adorned with cushions, providing a comfortable spot for visitors to gaze out.

The dining area had an old oak table surrounded by twelve mahogany seats. Ryan had invested considerable effort into making the mansion habitable and visually attractive.

A lovely rose garden with cherry blossom trees adorned the far side of the house, providing a perfect backdrop for the sunrise and a blanket of stars at night.

Mia was overjoyed when she saw this restored house, thanks to Ryan's hard work and commitment to restoring it to its former splendour.

"Ryan, you did a fantastic job with the house. I've always wondered how you earn so much money."

"Do you know anything about Dagon Enterprises?"

"Yes, they are one of the most important businesses in Ablington, with locations all over the world. Are these all yours? Of course, your surname is Dagon. I didn't know what your surname was until Detective Rogers told me. It seemed familiar to me at the time, but due to the circumstances, I never considered it again."

"Yes, Dagon Enterprises is my family's business, passed down through generations."

"Are you rich? That explains your manner of living. But who managed the enterprises in your absence?"

Ryan's reaction was evasive.

"I granted power of attorney to a trusted person. Mia, let us go to the attic."


As they ascended the attic, Mia said:

"Whenever I come here, I feel a unique connection to the house. I am not sure how to convey it."

Ryan replied:

"It only makes sense since you started to exist here. Your mother became pregnant at Forestvale Manor."

Mia focused her gaze on Ryan.

"Do not lie, Ryan. My father met my mother after he had quit the cult. I know because my father has informed me."

"What Arthur said to you was correct. However, when your parents were dating, your mother wanted to see the house since it looked appealing. The truth is that your father gave in, and they came. The atmosphere at Forestvale Manor filled them. You know it's special." Ryan gave a wink. "And then they made love."

"I am speechless, Ryan. How can you know those details?"

Ryan replied:

"Forestvale Manor told me. Speak to it. You certainly could."

Mia decided to give it a try without much consideration.

"Forestvale Manor's consciousness. I'm here. My name is Mia. Please speak with me."

A loud female voice came from somewhere.

"Hello, Mia. Welcome home."

Xena seethed with anger as the delayed flight heightened her anxiety. En route to Glouminster, thoughts of Ryan's potential actions towards Mia consumed her.

Ryan came out of the attic.

"My home?" Mia inquired.

"Indeed," responded Forestvale Manor. "You began to exist here. You are my creator's great-granddaughter. I am standing on top of an ancient and tremendous power centre, as well as a dimensional portal to limitless dimensions. I understand that this energy can be utilized for good or evil, but I am above all of that; I am neutral, like the energy in which I flow."

"And what do you want from me?"

"I want you to realize your full potential. I want you to strike a balance between light and darkness, and then you can do whatever you desire. I'm not forcing you to do anything, but it's critical that you understand who you are. Disregard the prophecies. I'm talking about realizing your true potential. I'm talking about how you can be yourself while still achieving your goals."

Mia inquired:

"Do you agree with Ryan?"

"I don't agree or disagree. He is a tortured and broken soul. But there is some light within him, and it is because of you."


"Yes, but it has nothing to do with sex or the body. You can save Ryan from himself. He can redeem himself, even if he doesn't want to or believes he doesn't want to. Make him regain his balance. Mia, save him! It is required for your happiness. I can't say anything else. This is a lot of information for you to process. I'll talk to you whenever you want."

The attic was once again quiet. Mia sat down on a chair. She was taken aback. She then threw open the attic door and yelled out in a strong voice:

"Ryan, go up, please."

He stood up. Mia ran over to Ryan and hugged him. She sorely needed the hug. She then took him by the hand and brought him back to the attic.

Looking Ryan in the eyes, Mia vowed:

"I will stand by you and help you get through this."

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