Part 1: Chapter 8

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George pov

"CLAY! Please... aughh!" I scream, my eyes stuck on the tv.

I watch as his character chases me with a diamond axe I was sure he used a command for, killing me moments later.

"That wasn't even fair!" I shout at him, nearly throwing my controller in my rage.

"It was. I went mining while you decided to raid the village. It's not my fault it takes you so long to make stone tools!" he retorts, leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head as he looks at me in his triumph.

"You're such an arsehole!" I say, playfully punching him in the ribs, making him gasp jokingly.

We had been playing Minecraft all day, finding it a suitable escape from our problems in a way that allowed us to get to know one another.

"So, Dream..." I say, waiting for a response and receiving one almost immediately. "Do you live by yourself?"

I decided to ask about his life while we were both calm and comfortable rather than in a long and awkward conversation that could destroy what little we had.

Because I admit that we didnt have much, but what was there was so precious to both of us, coddled in both of our hands.

If we took one of us removed our hands from their cradling of our friendship, it would fall apart.

We needed to hold on to whatever we had.

For both our sakes.

"Yeah, I live by myself. I've been moving around for about 5 years." he says, his tone was easy for the first time since I'd met him.

"Wait, you're 16, right?" I say. He shakes his head.

"No, I'm 17. I'll be 18 next month." he says, attempting to chase me in-game, diamond axe shining menacingly with the sharpness he'd applied to the blade.

"Oh, really. I'll be 17 later on this month." I say, giggling.

"We'll be twins for a little while, then." he responds, a smile shining on his face that I catch out of the corner of my eye, depriving my character of its life for the second time.

"Actually, I'll use you as insight. What's it like being 17?" I say.

"It's pretty boring, actually. It's confusing and irritating because everyone treats you like an adult and you don't really get the last year you have being a teenager." he says. His voice was kinda like silk, the american accent that I had always hated sliding over his words elegantly.

"Cool," I giggle again. "I'll expect a full paper on what it's like to be 18 when your birthday comes."

Ken suddenly appears in front of the television, smirking at me irritatingly. I roll my eyes at him. He'd definitely going to try and have a conversation with me later.

"What about you? Do you live alone or....?" Dream says.

"I live alone ever since... certain events." I say, my tone dropping an octave towards the end of my speech.

Clay stops playing the game, setting down his controller and placing his hand on mine comfortingly, making me turn to meet his gaze.

"I'm here for you, alright?" he says, his eyes innocent, genuine emotion dancing in the green of them .

I nod, my eyes welling up with tears.

I wasn't sure exactly why I was crying.

Maybe it was something about the person I'd come to care about reciprocating my feelings.

Maybe it was the facts that he was there for me, the fact that he cared enough to let me know that.

I hugged him, feeling his arms wrap around me.

I sigh, my face pressed into his shoulder as he pulled me closer.

Being in Dream's arms felt oddly right, I relaxed myself into his embrace, feeling comforted by his compassion.

From over the blonde's shoulder I see Ken reappear, smirking and giving me a double thumbs up before doubling over in laughter, fading away yet again.

Pulling away and picking up our controllers, I rest my head tentatively on his shoulder, continuing to play our game in silence.


So, uhm.... Another chapter is done and idk what to say.

I've been writing literally so much these past few days, my wrist still hurts from yesterday.

However, I'll still post for this book amongst others today.

You guys are the best, stay awesome

And I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Insert your best jokes here.

733 words

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