Part 2: Chapter 37

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Ken pov (lets gooooooo)

~time skip (he's 8)

I was standing in the doorway of the living room.

My father had called me down, and I was standing stone-cold before him, no emotion.

I felt calm inside, but my hands were continually fidgeting as I knew I couldnt stay down here for long.

I had things upstairs to attend to that were more important than my father's stupid attitude.

He looked at me, frowning.

I held back a frown of my own, but he seemed to notice, standing up from the couch and slapping me across the face harshly.

The force of it sent me flying to the side, falling to my knees before him, looking up expectantly, knowing there would be more pain to follow.

"Youre a piece of shit, Ken, you know that?" my father spat. I didnt know what that meant, but by gods, when I found out I'd be screaming it back at him in the same degrading fashion he uttered it now.

Only nodding, I get back to my feet, trying desperately not to cry as the stinging of my cheeks continues to spread.

'I'll be able to go back upstairs soon. Please dont cry, please dont cry.'

My father kicked my shins, causing a gasp to fly from my now parted lips.

He smiles, his breath reeking of alcohol, and I know he's been drinking again.

My father didnt drink that weird liquid often, but when he did, he lost hisself, and I was usually unable to move for days to come.

But today, I was saved.

Saved by a mother who didnt care.

Saved by a mother who was oblivious.

She walked over to my father, sliding her arms around his neck, forcing him to look at her as she pressed her lips to his.

I scurried out of the room, hearing the sloppy sounds emerge from the room that would have been my doom.

I smile secretly to myself as I steal another carton of milk from the fridge, walking painfully slow up the steps made of the most creaky floorboards.

If my father was reminded of my existence, he would hit me so much more than he was.

And I was so scared.

More than that, I was scared he'd find the secret in my room.

Thankfully, he never went upstairs, which made it the perfect place to hide.

I reached my room, pushing the door open hurriedly as I felt a breath of fresh air, finally able to grin once again.

My room didnt have a bed.

It had a lot of clothes that were placed in piles for comfort, an optimal place to hide my books and paper and pencils and markers.

And my brother.

Dad didnt know about him.

Mum didnt remember.

My father had been out, drinking with friends.

My mum had passed out at his birth, leaving the midwife to assure me of her vitals.

And there he was, coddled into the crook of the couch, the midwife not caring to place him in a secure place, my little brother.

George, I had decided, had dark brown hair, like the darkest chocolate I'd had the grace of seeing.

His eyes were closed, but his skin was paler than the white flowers I say in our front yard during the spring.

I picked him up, my arms moving on instinct to support his head and hold the weight of his body.

And then he woke up.

He started crying, and I was scared my mum was going to wake up.

So I ran upstairs with him, to the only place I knew he could hide.

Now that he was awake, I could see his eyes, deep brown, but soft like cocoa, filled with fear that I knew I would hate having to see in the years of him growing up.

But I would protect him.

I sat with him now, 10 months after he'd been born, whispering quietly to him, words of comfort and assurances of love.

"I'm your brother, Ken." I said. "Dad was being mean again, so i had to leave for a little while, but dont worry. I'll always come back to you."

I hugged him, feeling his small arms rebel against my embrace, wanting his hands to be free to grab whatever was in reach.

I giggled quietly.

I loved him so much.

"I'm here for you. I will make sure you aren't hurt. I will take care of you. I am your brother."

Kenny boi flashbacks let's goooo!

We'll have abt two more of these before we get back to the story.

I hope you guys are enjoying.

Give me ideas, i love hearing you guys' thoughts.

I luv you all.

785 words

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