Part 1: Chapter 9

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George pov

It was sitting on the counter, laughing at Dream while I taught him to cook, just like Ken used to.

He was attempting to make spaghetti for the two of us for dinner.

It was around 10 o' clock at night and the both of us were starving, but neither of us cared as we were enjoying the last company we'd have for the day.

"Clay, you have to put salt in the water after it boils!" I exclaim, giggles spilling through my mouth that was open in a wide grin.

He stops what he's doing, turning towards me with a fondness, and I gaze back at him, an easy smile resting on my face as I take in his features.

His eyes were as bright as ever, a spark of liveliness in them.

His smile was soft, unspoken words of kindness hiding behind the pink of his lips.

He had dark eyebrows that framed his squinted eyes perfectly, resting below his golden and curly hair.

I walk closer to him, almost trancelike, him turning to face me as I drew neared, standing still as I arrived in front of him, still looking up at him.

"Youre really pretty." he whispers, causing a blush to caress my cheeks as I raised my hand to brush his hair to the side, my hand resting on his cheek.

I don't know when, but his hands found their way around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

We were growing closer and closer every hour we spent together.

I felt like I truly knew him, even though we'd only been with each other for a week.

We'd played video games together, asking each other questions and comforting each other through unsaid secrets.

I remembered pulling an all-nighter the other day with him, talking to him on the couch into the ungodly hours of the morning.

Our faces were inches from each others by now, and I could feel his breath hitting my lips softly, my chest pressed against his, feeling his slow and steady heartbeat.

I slipped an arm around his neck, pulling him that much closer to me, placing my other hand on his bicep.

We were still gazing into each other's eyes, taking in each hue and emotion that could be found in the pupils.

Out of nowhere, it hits me that we were about to kiss.

Thoughts began rushing through my mind, but I didnt move.

I had barely known him.

His hands traveled down to my hips.

I had known him for only a week.

We moved closer together.

He was a boy; was I gay?

He looked questioningly into my eyes, asking for consent. I found myself nodding at him.

What was I doing?

Our lips were brushing together, our eyes fluttering closed.

It was pure bliss, that one simple half-kiss, but I backed out, embarrassed, stuffing my face into his shoulder to hide my blush, his giggles vibrating through his chest and sending shivers down my spine.

His arms were now wrapped around my waist and we began swaying around in each other's embrace.

Moments later we separated, going back to our original spots, blushes on our faces and a comforted silence blanketing our previous actions.

I'm looking down at my hands, but out of the corner of my eye, I see Ken appear, gesturing for me to follow before walking away down the hall.

"I'll be right back, all right, Dream?" I say, smiling reassuringly at him, having the grin I'd grown fond for be returned.

I hop off the counter, running down the hall and into my bedroom, waiting for Ken to exit his.

I knew he was in there. He'd been trying to get me to enter it in the two years he'd been dead. I just couldnt, not without having a panic attack and breaking down.

If I entered that room, I'd be ruined.

And so I waited patiently for my brother's ghost to apear in front of me, and minutes later, it did.

"Are you going to tell him you like him?" he asks, making a blush burn across my face, streaking my pale skin with an obvious sign of the lie I was about to utter.

"I don't." I say quietly, avoiding all eye contact.

"Oh, but you do. I'll skip the speech about the way you look at him and blah, blah, blah because I know you're extremely perceptive and I know you've noticed your own feelings." he says, grinning wildly.

I avert my eyes, avoiding his confrontation.

"Would you accept me if I was gay?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, I sure as hell accept you; what kind of question is that?" he scoffs, looking at me scornfully, a playful expression threatening to overtake his features despite his words.

I roll my eyes, not believing that easily.

"Youre full of lies, aren't you?" I say, getting up and heading towards the door.

"I was pansexual, actually, and in a pretty new relationship with a guy before I died." Ken says, making me freeze.

"You were?"

"Hell yeah." he responds, no hesitation in his voice, and, for the first time, I see a hint of emotion burning in his ghostly eyes.

"Was he nice? Did he treat you well? Did he keep secrets from you?" I ask, sitting back down on my bed.

"Yeah, he was really sweet. He treated me well, he was cute. He was always complicated, but he never wanted to keep anything from me. I kept a lot from him, though, for your safety," he glanced at me. "But he understood the danger we could have been in had I told him where I worked or lived. We had to stay away from our parents, for both our sakes, but we both know you were and are always my priority."

I smile at him, looking down at my hands, fidgeting with my fingers.

"I... I think that I might like Clay... but I don't know what my sexuality is yet." I say, glancing up at my brother.

He smiles at me, coming closer and wrapping me in the only embrace I could ever receive from him.

Dream pov

I think I loved him... fuck....

Wrote this one in 14 minutes, in the dark, and with a hurt wrist.

Again, surprise!

I didnt plan on updating again today, but you guys deserve it.

You guys deserve the world.

Everyone who follows me or who comments here, I really try to be there for you all, even to just check in every couple days.

Also, happy birthday to my friend GayChereo1 who is going to be old tomorrow. Luv u/p

Youre all amazing and I love you!

1111 words

It Wasnt My Fault (DNF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz